
1. Main account:

Each customer has only one main account which is created after successful onboarding.

2. Pocket/sub-account:

Type: Unlocked/locked

Each customer can have up to 8 active sub-accounts of both unlocked and locked type .

Sub-account doesn’t have a visible account number.

3. Interest:

Interest can be accrued and applied on main account, locked and unlocked sub-account in different rate.

Main features:

Accounts US Here you can find all stories.

  1. Open and activate main account

  2. Open, manage, close unlocked pocket

  3. Open, manage, close locked pocket

  4. Earn interest


ER diagram

Account ER diagram


account: either main account or saving account, cannot be both.

main_account: has account number

saving_account: account_type can be locked or unlocked

eod_balance_entity: the end-of-day balance for each account, updated by TM event

interest_history: interest updated by TM accrue_interest event

product_version_id_cache_entity: updated by TM event for new product version for each product id (main account only)

template_parameter_cache_entity: caching the parameters provided by TM

Service dependencies


TM access: client library used to communicate with TM vault

Smart contract: separate Python project in which account business logic is implemented

Questions follow-up:

REST API versioning approach