Manual mobile testing

Manual testing is a human input, analysis or evaluation. This approach is user-centric, focusing on explorative ways of monitoring, whether a mobile application meets user requirements and expectations. You should test your app for look & feel and for usability, making sure that it is user friendly. You should not be using manual testing for all your testing, but just for about 20% of them, for the rest you can use automated testing

Automated mobile testing

Automated testing is another mobile application testing approach. While the aim of manual testing is to test the “user experience,” automated mobile testing aims to test all the functionality that characterizes an app, and ensures that all features and functionalities work as expected (for example, regression testing) after code changes and app updates are implemented.

Given the benefits and capabilities of each testing method, an integrated testing approach that incorporates both manual and automated tests is the way to go. And with this approach, a best practice is to automate 80% of your test cases while performing 20% manually.

Here are the specific test cases that should be automated:

  • Automate the most frequent test-cases

  • Automate test cases that are easy to automate

  • Automate test cases that have predictable results

  • Automate the most tedious manual test cases

  • Automate frequently used functionality

  • Automate test cases that add the most business value

  • Automate test cases that can have high cost implications when the associated feature breaks down in production