Please design a salary calculation system for XX company.

XX company has different types of employment, different employees have different salary calculation methods.
Part-time workers
60/Hour, get 10,000 if work over 150 hours per month. If works less than 150 hours per month, calculated by the hour
The basic salary of the salesperson is 3,000 per month.
Their monthly basic sales target should be 20,000. If the sales are 20,000-30,000, the commission rate for the excess part(over 20,000) is 5%. If the sales are 30,000 and above, then The commission rate for the excess part (over 20,000 parts) is 8%
Overtime pay calculation rules
For hourly workers and managers, when they work more than 160 hours per month, the excess hours will be calculated at 1.3 times the hourly rate


  1. The fixed salary, hourly salary, commission rate, and base salary of employees may be adjusted.

  2. Employee types may increase.

  3. Overtime rules and their applicable employee rules may change, such as hourly workers or managers may no longer calculate overtime pay

The current employees of the company are as follows:

Manager: Lisa
Hourly workers: Alex, Jack

Salesperson: Leo
Please design a program to parse the following XML data and calculate the total salary that the company should pay to employees in September and October. The final result should be rounded to two decimal places.

  <month value="9">
    <employee name="Lisa" workingHours="145"/> 
    <employee name="Alex" workingHours="170.5"/> 
    <employee name="Leo" amount="34100.8"/>
  <month value="10">
    <employee name="Lisa" workingHours="165"/> 
    <employee name="Alex" workingHours="155.75"/> 
    <employee name="Jack" workingHours ="188.25"/> 
    <employee name="Leo" amount ="23500.7"/>