SaFi Bank Space : SaFi Tech Huddle Questions Collection

Here is the place we can use to collect any technical questions you have in the project and discuss them in the weekly tech huddle.

Question Description

Who has interest


How to ensure the modification of model will not influence other micro-service module, especially when the modified client lib is imported by other services.

Currently, when the model has changed, the integration test will only verify the module itself, but it does break other services which imported this one.

Neil Wang (Unlicensed) User ce01f

Code validation of related microservices

investigate better ways to manage client lib – Common Squad.

How to double check code validation before PR merge?

For example, I created a PR, and code validation has passed. But before I merge that to the main branch, Becca modified some models and merged before mine. The code validation result of my PR was still passed since I haven’t push any update then, but after my PR merged, the build failed.

Neil Wang (Unlicensed)

Performance or flexibility enhance with GraphQL?

Yuetong Yang (Unlicensed) Jevan Wu (Unlicensed)

Can investigate futher

Plan and status for IAM strategy

Yuetong Yang (Unlicensed) User 55816 Jevan Wu (Unlicensed)

Share in the up-coming tech huddle – Rix

There’re a lot of object(e.g. DTO, VO, Entity) transfers in our projects. In addition, you need to put them in the proper directories respectively. Does all of them really necessary? How to improve the efficiency when we are writing this kind of boring code?

Jevan Wu (Unlicensed)

have a guideline / practice to organize code layer / structure