This can be the fundamental guide on designing test cases for the functionalities is need to be covered.

Functional Test Scenarios

Testing functionalities of mobile applications like user interactions as well as testing the transactions that users might perform. The main purpose of mobile application functional testing is to ensure the quality, meeting the specified expectations, reducing the risk or errors and customer satisfaction.

  • All the required mandatory fields are working as required.

  • Mandatory fields are displayed in the screen in a distinctive way than the non-mandatory fields.

  • Application works as per as requirement whenever the application starts/stops.

  • Mobile device is able to store, process and receive SMS whenever the app is running. In order to validate the same we need to use a second phone to send sms to the device which is being tested and where the application under test is currently running.

  • Mobile device is able to perform required multitasking requirements whenever it is necessary to do so.

  • Application allows necessary social network options such as sharing, posting and navigation etc.

  • Application supports any payment gateway transaction such as Visa, Mastercard, Paypal etc as required by the application.

  • Page scrolling scenarios are being enabled in the application as necessary.

  • Navigation between relevant modules in the application are as per the requirement.

  • Truncation errors are absolutely to an affordable limit.

  • Installed application enables other applications to perform satisfactorily, and it does not eat into the memory of the other applications.

  • Installation of the application can be done smoothly provided the user has the necessary resources and it does not lead to any significant errors.

  • Application performs auto start facility according to the requirements.

  • Application goes into minimized mode whenever there is an incoming phone call. In order to validate the same we need to use a second phone, to call the device.

Usability Test Scenarios

Usability testing is normally performed by manual users since only human beings can understand the sensibility and comfort ability of the other users.

  • Buttons should have the required size and be suitable to big fingers.

  • Buttons are placed in the same section of the screen to avoid confusion to the end users.

  • Icons are natural and consistent with the application.

  • Buttons, which have the same function should also have the same color.

  • Validation for the tapping zoom-in and zoom-out facilities should be enabled.

  • Keyboard input can be minimized in an appropriate manner.

  • Application provides a method for going back or undoing an action, on touching the wrong item, within an acceptable duration.

  • Contextual menus are not overloaded because it has to be used quickly.

  • Text is kept simple and clear to be visible to the users.

  • The short sentences and paragraphs are readable to the end users.

  • Font size is big enough to be readable and not too big or too small.

  • Application prompts the user whenever the user starts downloading a large amount of data which may be not conducive for the application performance.

  • All strings are converted into appropriate languages whenever a language translation facility is available.

  • The application items are always synchronized according to the user actions.

  • The end user is provided with a user manual which helps the end user to understand and operate the application who may be not familiar with the application’s proceedings.

  • Application provides an available user guide for those who are not familiar to the app

Compatibility Test Scenarios

Compatibility testing on mobile devices is performed to ensure that since mobile devices have different size, resolution, screen, version and hardware so the application should be tested across all the devices to ensure that the application works as desired.

The following are the most prominent areas for compatibility testing.

  • The user Interface of the application is as per the screen size of the device, no text/control is partially invisible or inaccessible.

  • The text is readable for all users for the application.

  • The call/alarm functionality is enabled whenever the application is running. The application is minimized or suspended on the event of a call and then whenever the call stops the application is resumed.

Recoverability Test Scenarios

  • Crash recovery and transaction interruptions

  • Validation of the effective application recovery situation post unexpected interruption/crash scenarios.

  • Verification of how the application handles a transaction during a power failure (i.e. Battery dies or a sudden manual shutdown of the device)

  • The validation of the process where the connection is suspended, the system needs to re-establish for recovering the data directly affected by the suspended connection.

  • Closing of the application is performed from different states and verify if it re-opens in the same state.

  • Application resumes at the last operation in case of a hard reboot or system crash.

  • User receives an appropriate error message like “Network error. Please try after some time” whenever there is any network error.

Performance Test Scenarios

This type of testing’s fundamental objective is to ensure that the application performs acceptably under certain performance requirements such as access by a huge number of users or the removal of a key infrastructure part like a database server.

The general test scenarios for Performance Testing in a Mobile application are:

  • The application performs as per the requirement under different load conditions.

  • The current network coverage is able to support the application at peak, average and minimum user levels.

  • The existing client-server configuration setup provides the required optimum performance level.

  • The various application and infrastructure bottlenecks which prevent the application to perform at the required acceptability levels.

  • The response time of the application is as per as the requirements.

  • Evaluate product and/or hardware to determine if it can handle projected load volumes.

  • To evaluate whether the battery life can support the application to perform under projected load volumes.

  • Application performance when network is changed to WIFI from 2G/3G or vice versa.

  • Each of the required the CPU cycle is optimization

  • The battery consumption, memory leaks, resources like GPS, Camera performance is well within required guidelines.

  • The application longevity whenever the user load is rigorous.

  • The network performance while moving around with the device.

  • The application performance when only intermittent phases of connectivity is required.