SaFi Bank Space : SaFiBank - Phase 3 prototypes for Sixth Factor

Onboarding prototype (ProtoPie)

(blue star) Start with camera test prototype, to enable camera access on your
mobile phone -

(blue star) Link to prototype:


You've just installed the SaFi bank app and want to use it to open an account. Complete the onboarding

Mobile app prototype (Figma)

(blue star) Link to prototype:


Main dashboard

  1. Explore all main sections (bottom main navigation) and hamburger/drawer menu

  2. Reset prototype


  1. Open unlocked pocket for your dream car with 250,000 pesos target

  2. Reset prototype


  1. Get 250 pesos overdraft

  2. Repay your overdraft

  3. Reset prototype

Personal loan

  1. Get 5000 pesos personal loan

  2. Repay 160 pesos of your personal loan

  3. Reset prototype

Transactions - Send money to different bank

  1. Send 421 pesos to John Ramos for lunch via BDO Unibank

  2. Reset prototype

Transactions - Cash in over the counter

  1. Cash in 500 pesos via CLIQQ 

  2. Reset prototype


  1. Order personalised physical card

  2. Explore digital card

  3. Reset prototype