EFPS (Schedule 1) reports the sum of payment instruments (Physical/Virtual Cards in our case) by these characteristics:

  1. Issued solely by the SaFi

  2. Jointly issued with a partner (e.g. retailer, transport, merchant, etc.)

  3. Instruments tied up with international schemes (Mastercard, Visa etc)

  4. Active instruments (at least 1 transaction within the last 90 days.)

Frequency: Monthly

Data fields required


Valid values


Payment instrument id

card.snapshots / cardId

Payment Instrument type

Debit/ATM Card

We only have Debit Card for now

International scheme type

VISA/Mastercard etc

We only have Mastercard for now

Is Active (question)



IsActive - payment instruments which have been involved in at least 1 transaction within the last 90 day