SaFi Bank Space : Scrum Ceremony

Key roles & their responsibilities in a squad

Regular squad-level meetings owned by SaFi Squad Leads/Scrum masters:

Here is a list of general squad-level ceremonies. Below this table actual schedules for each squad are described.

Ceremony name

Frequency & duration



How should SM prepare for the ceremony


  • daily

  • 15 mins in case of a team w/ 6-8 members

  • Developers


  • Product owners

  • Scrum master

  • daily updates of work done and work planned

  • space to raise risks & issues (if solutions takes more than few minutes, the team agrees when the topic will be discussed)

  • highlight blocked tasks for SM

  • keep a constant eye on ongoing communication in channels designated to the product, dev team, testing, 3rd parties, SRE, DevOps, Project/Program management.

  • open the Kanban board with the active sprint in JIRA

Backlog grooming

  • biweekly

  • 1 hour

  • Product owner

  • Business owner


  • Tech lead

  • team picks up items from its backlog and discusses how they should be implemented

  • technical tasks are created for these items

  • all not-estimated tasks are estimated

  • open Backlog in JIRA

  • identify all non-estimated tasks

  • identify all tasks wherein the technical tasks are missing

Sprint planning

  • biweekly

  • 15-30 mins, often combined with End-sprint review and Demo

  • Developers

  • Product owner

  • Scrum master

  • Business owner

  • team agrees what are the goals of the upcoming sprint and what features tasks should be completed by the sprint end

  • tickets are assigned to developers, not all of the sprint scope need to be assigned on this meeting

  • it is assumed that the scope to be planned for the sprint is groomed and thus well understood

  • check all the tasks in the backlog if they have the estimation determined

  • check all the tasks in the backlog if they are ordered according to the business priorities

  • review of velocity from previous sprints to determine the maximal effort capacity for the next sprint

  • make sure that the previous sprint was properly closed

Mid-sprint review

  • biweekly

  • up to 1 hour

  • Product owner

  • Business owner


  • Tech lead

  • overview of the sprint goals and state of work in the middle of the sprint

  • team presents what is likely to be finished and what are the items at risk not being delivered by the end of the sprint

  • refresh the status of all tasks in the Sprint backlog

  • order tasks in the Sprint backlog according to their status

End-sprint review

  • biweekly

  • 15-30 mins, often combined with End-sprint review and Demo

  • Developers

  • Product owner

  • Scrum master

  • Business owner

  • overview of the original sprint goals and the actual accomplishments

  • refresh the status of all tasks in the Sprint backlog

  • refresh the status of all epics

  • order tasks in the Sprint backlog according to their status

Sprint Demo

  • biweekly

  • 15-30 mins, often combined with End-sprint review and Demo

  • Developers

  • Product owner

  • Scrum master

  • Business owner

  • showcasing the squad’s progress to the stakeholders (usually business features to Business owners, but can be also technical delivery showcasing)

  • arrange a rehearsal of Sprint demo with dev team

  • agree with the team members who will showcase what


  • biweekly

  • up to 1 hour

  • Developers

  • Product owner

  • Scrum master

  • revision what is working for the team & what are the painpoints

  • create list of todo-s for the team to improve the work

  • we use the tool Metro Retro

  • review the action points from the previous Retrospective sesion

  • create a new retropective board


  • biweekly

  • 15-30 minutes

  • Developers

  • Tech lead

  • icebreaker

  • sharing of mutual feedback

  • project satisfaction

  • burn-out detection

  • review the notes from the previous 1:1 session

  • actual points, if any

Specific squad schedules

Accounts squad: Ceremonies schedule

Ceremony name

Time & Day or Frequency

Note on agenda (if necessary)


4:30pm PHT - daily

Backlog grooming (Sprint pre-planning)

17:30pm PHT - 2nd Fridays

Sprint planning

4:00pm PHT - 1st Tuesdays

End-sprint review

4:00pm PHT - 1st Wednesday


10:00pm PHT - 2st Mondays

Product sync

6:00pm PHT - Mondays

5:00pm PHT - Thursdays

Customer & Onboarding squad: Ceremonies schedule

Ceremony name

Time & Day or Frequency

Note on agenda (if necessary)


4:30pm PHT - daily

Backlog grooming

9:30pm PHT - 2nd Thursdays

Sprint planning

6:00pm PHT - 1st Tuesdays

Mid-sprint review

5:00pm PHT - 2nd Thursdays

End-sprint review

5:00pm PHT - 1st Tuesdays

Sprint Demo

5:00pm PHT - 1st Tuesdays


10:00pm PHT - 1st Thursdays

Product sync

5:00pm PHT - Mondays

5:00pm PHT - Thursdays

IAM squad: Ceremonies schedule

Ceremony name

Time & Day or Frequency

Note on agenda (if necessary)


4:30pm PHT - daily

Sprint planning

8:30pm PHT - 1st Monday

Technical Sync

4:45pm PHT - daily

Space for technical discussion after the stand-up. Not mandatory participation as needed.

End-Sprint review

6:00pm PHT - 1st Thursday


5:15pm PHT - 2nd Tuesday

Mid-sprint review

7:00pm PHT - 2nd Thursday

FE Tasks call

6:30pm PHT - Every monday

1:1 calls

Bi weekly 15minutes individual schedule

Common squad: Ceremonies schedule

Ceremony name

Time & Day or Frequency

Note on agenda (if necessary)


5:00pm PHT - daily

End-Sprint review

5:15pm PHT - 1st Thursday

Mid-sprint review

4:00pm PHT - 2nd Wednesday

Sprint planning

5:45pm PHT - 1st Friday

Backlog grooming

6:30pm PHT - 2nd Wednesday


8:00pm PHT - 2nd Thursday

1:1 calls

Bi weekly 15minutes individual schedule

Backoffice squad: Ceremonies schedule

Ceremony name

Time & Day or Frequency

Note on agenda (if necessary)


10:00AM - 10:15AM Daily

Sprint planning with BO

Every Monday
3:00PM - 3:30PM (Backoffice)
3:30PM - 4:00PM (Genesys)
4:00PM - 4:30PM (Meiro)

Business requirements planning

  1. Nikko - Backoffcie

  2. Ace Purisima - Genesys

  3. Enzo Gallegos III

Mid-Week review/QA wit BO

Every Wednesday
3:00PM - 3:30PM (Backoffice)
3:30PM - 4:00PM (Genesys)
4:00PM - 4:30PM (Meiro)

Review the done/ongoing tasks
Discuss unclear requirements

End-of-Week with BO

Every Friday
3:00PM - 3:30PM (Backoffice)
3:30PM - 4:00PM (Genesys)
4:00PM - 4:30PM (Meiro)

Retrospective meeting or free talk in tech team

5:30PM - 6:00PM Every Friday

Starting from 2024 January

Loans squad: Ceremonies schedule

Ceremony name

Time & Day or Frequency

Note on agenda (if necessary)


5:00pm PHT - daily

Sprint review, sprint demo + Sprint planning

4:30pm PHT - 1st Tuesday

Mid-sprint review

4:00pm PHT - 2nd Tuesday

Backlog grooming /w SAFI BO

4:00pm PHT - 1st Thursday


1:00pm CET - 1st Thursday

Cards squad: Ceremonies schedule

Ceremony name

Time & Day or Frequency

Note on agenda (if necessary)


10:00 AM PHT - daily

Weekly Sync Call

(Backlog Review + Mid-sprint review)

4:00 PM PHT - Thursdays

Sprint planning + End-sprint review

11:00 AM PHT - 1st Monday

Sprint Demo

4:00 PM PHT - 1st Monday


4:00 PM PHT - 1st Friday

DevOps squad*: Ceremonies schedule

Ceremony name

Time & Day or Frequency

Note on agenda (if necessary)

Weekly SRE sync

3:30pm PHT - Mondays

Review and sync on plans on sub-squads level

DevOps planning

11:00pm PHT - Thursdays

Review and planning on the DevOps architecture level

Data Foundation - Stand Up

4:00pm PHT - daily

Core Banking - Stand Up

4:15pm PHT - daily

App Foundation - Stand Up

4:00pm PHT - daily

Core Foundation - Stand Up

4:00pm PHT - daily

DevOps Techleads sync

4:30pm PHT - daily

Post Mortems

On-demand (activity based)

Compilation of lessons learned after every major activity (e.g. environment switch, Kafka upgrade, etc.)

*DevOps squads, based on the character of work, follow Kanban delivery instead of Scrum.

Transactions squad: Ceremonies schedule

Ceremony name

Time & Day or Frequency

Note on agenda (if necessary)

Daily Standup

9:30 am PHT

Backlog Refinement


Next Sprint Scope Intro


Sprint Planning


Mid-sprint Review


End-sprint Review


Sprint Demo




Product Sync