Epic: SM-231 - Cards: Physical Cards Done

SM-678 - FE: Set-up of Physical Card Done

Priority: PoC Scope
Effort estimate: TBD
Review status: APPROVED

Role: Client


The client can define an image for a physical card


The client can select from a predefined list of pictures for the physical card’s front side or provide their own image which will be used on the card. The card print service will be managed by DZ Cards. We need to clarify the storage implications of this solution. We need to discuss how to manage a picture review before this picture will be used for card print-out. Selection of just background color = automatic processing. Otherwise, the picture must be pre-approved by BO.

Functional requirements:

  • Able to display Overlay template for Customer to choose

  • Abe to choose Customer photo

  • Able to simulate Customer photo below the overlay template

  • Able to simulate full name shown (max 26 chars validation). If it exceeded, give customer option to shorten firstname or surname. Ex: Danish S. W. or D. Suryo Wijaya

When done, the final image WITHOUT VISA logo, Chip, card number, full name, and expiry date are uploaded to the GCS bucket with folder: /customerid/customerid_cardid.JPEG

  • For example: /ba2860d7-7501-42e3-9d88-bf61d2bad8d1/ba2860d7-7501-42e3-9d88-bf61d2bad8d1_a8db9fb1-0cec-41e9-9862-2d1c3f8c0029.JPEG

  • Decided format is JPEG

UI requirements:

  • xxx

Process flow:

  • n/a

Execution steps:

  • xxx

Internal dependencies:

  • card-manager

  • GCS bucket

External dependencies:

  • DZCard image file minimum resolution ? pixels per inch? Dimension?

Alternative scenarios: n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • xxx

Links to wireframes/UI:
