Xcode is available for download on the App Store, and while it appears to be the most convenient/best way to get it, we should avoid doing so for 2 reasons:

  1. You will not be able to keep multiple copies of Xcode on your machine - important especially when you’re testing if there are going to be issues compiling your code on a new Xcode version.

  2. The download from App Store is notoriously unstable and slow compared to downloading it manually. Dear mas, don’t be sad like these guys…

Why keep multiple Xcode versions?

Apart from testing new Xcode versions for potential issues compiling your code, you might find yourself needing an older Xcode version at times to debug issues that are only occurring on an older iOS version. Newer versions of Xcode do not come shipped with older versions of iOS Simulators - attempting to add an old simulator version into a new Xcode is also unlikely to be successful. E.g. you will need Xcode 11 to debug on an iOS 13 simulator.

Take note though that these are simulators, not emulators like in Android - simulators aren’t going to be as close a replica as emulators are to an actual device. Given how tough/impossible it is to downgrade the OS on iPhones though, a simulator is going to be one of your first options in replicating those bugs.

Installing manually

If you haven’t already created an Apple ID using your @advancedgroup.com email address, please do so.

  1. Login at https://developer.apple.com

  2. Click on Downloads


  3. Click on More (why you so hidden?!)


  4. Search for Xcode and download the version you want


  5. Extract the XIP file into your /Application folder. Rename them if you wish to keep multiple copies, but keep your main copy named as Xcode or else flutter doctor will not be able to detect it.