Effort estimate:
Review status: ready to review/approved


Role: Customer

Objective: The customer registers their phone number and passcode.

Reason: The customer wants to be able to login to the app.

Functional requirements:

  • Sign-up is only accessible for customers, who have confirmed - this will be covered in different stories:

    • Privacy Policy

    • Terms and Conditions for the app

    • Chosen their Tone of voice

  • Customer is presented with RO screen describing the 4 steps of Onboarding, the first step is highlighted

  • Customer enters their phone number

    • Only PH mobile phone numbers are allowed

    • Mobile phone numbers are always 10 digits (three digits for the service provider, plus a seven-digit number)

  • Phone number cannot be associated with a Customer in statuses: Inactive, Active, In Review, Submitted, Rejected and Blocked.

  • Phone number has to be verified. SMS OTP is sent to the provided phone number, the customer types the OTP into the app.

    • OTP is a 6 digit numerical code, it is valid for 5 minutes counted from the moment when SMS is sent to the customer

    • Customer has the option to initiate a resending of the SMS OTP. By doing so the following happens:

      • Currently valid OTP is set as expired

      • New OTP is generated and sent

  • Customer sets their passcode, which:

    • is a 6 digit number

    • cannot be the same number e.g. 999999

    • cannot be of an ascending or descending sequence, e.g. 123456, 345678 or 987654 including the looped variants also, e.g. 789012

  • Customer repeats the entering of a valid passcode

  • A valid passcode is assessed for its strength, based on the level of strength the customer will receive loyalty points (tokens) - OUT OF SCOPE FOR PoC

  • In case the device supports biometrics, the Customer is presented with a device biometry prompt in order to allow usage of this factor for authentication purposes

    • Customer who allows this is rewarded with loyalty points - OUT OF SCOPE FOR PoC

  • Finishing the above-mentioned steps triggers:

    • creation of the Customer entity in Prospect status.

    • device fingerprint in FR

    • Customer can log out from the onboarding flow and login again using their passcode

  • Not finishing the above-mentioned steps will result in:

    • forgetting the Prospect account, so that the phone number can be again used in onboarding

    • forgetting the passcode and device fingerprint in FR if stored

UI requirements: Simple and straightforward instructions for the Customer related to a phone number, and rules for passcode creation. A screen for device biometry needs to be created as it is missing.

Process flow: diagram depicting the logical flow of the user story (where applicable), possibly with
sub-flow and their requirements

Execution steps: see above

Internal dependencies: TBD

External dependencies: OTP generator and SMS service integration for Customer service

Alternative scenarios:

  1. The customer does not finish the Sign-up step

  2. The customer uses a phone number which is already used

Acceptance criteria: In SM-315

Links to wireframes/UI: FIgma: SaFi Wireframes


Sign-up diagram (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
Sign-up diagram.png (image/png)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
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~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
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~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
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~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
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~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
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~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
~Sign-up diagram.tmp (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
Sign-up diagram (application/vnd.jgraph.mxfile)
Sign-up diagram.png (image/png)