Role: Customer

Objective: Show the customer overview of all his accounts` balances.

Reason: The customer wants to know what is his overall balance and how his money is distributed across different products.

Functional requirements:

  • The list should show a summarization of all balances across different products.

  • From the main account, only the available balance should be displayed.

  • All sub-account balances should be summarized into “unlocked” and “locked” balances.

  • Other products (e.g. loans) should be also included.

UI requirements: It should show a list of all balances and display them in a graphical way (e.g. pie chart).

Acceptance criteria:

  • When customers access balances overview, they get an overview of the main account, pockets (both unlocked and locked) and overdraft.

  • Overall balance is summary of all shown values.

Final design:
