Epic: SM-36 - ONB: Get onboarded - KYC Done
User story: SM-1226 - Store all data from KYC flow Done


User story: As a system I want to store all unstructured data from KYC flow so that we can use this information for reporting.

Role: System

Objective: to store all unstructured data from KYC flow.

Reason: Data from KYC flow can be used for reporting, audit trail and assessments.

Functional requirements:

Customer Management BE must collect all KYC data, specifically:

  1. All manual inputs from the customer

  2. Device ID

  3. Device Finger Print result

  4. ID photo

  5. ID OCR data

  6. ID Forgery result

  7. Selfie photo

  8. Liveness score

  9. Face match score

  10. Location GPS result

  11. Additional information about customer - all choices

  12. vKYC result

UI requirements: N/A

Process flow: N/A

Execution steps: BE part only, not integration

Internal dependencies: N/A

External dependencies: N/A

Alternative scenarios: N/A

Acceptance criteria:

  1. All data from KYC flow must be stored in DB

Links to wireframes/UI: N/A