Set up subscription

Set autodebit date

  • The plan is starting exactly after activating the account, only the charging is postponed.

  • The customer can choose if he will be charged immediately or in one of the following 6 days by using “Pay Now” functionality

  • If the customer chooses a date higher than the 28th of the month, it will be billed for that day in a given month, however, next month it will be changed to the 28th.

Example n.1

The customer creates account on 20th July. He top up the account on 24th July.

Selected subscription plan will start on 24th July and the autodebit sate will be set to 30th of July.

Next month, new subscription plan cycle will start on the 30th August.

Example n.2

The customer creates account on July 15th. He top up the account on July 20th.

The customer chose autodebit date for 21th July. In that case, the fee will be charged on 21th July and next time, it will be charged on 21th August.

Free subscription

  • Other squads can enable free subscription (e.g. onboarding as part of promotional campaign, backoffice when customers are unhappy with the service,…)

  • Free subscription isn’t time-bases (e.g. 2 months), but it is cycle-based, therefore we will support triggering 1-X cycles being free.

Show Subscription details

Show subscription details

  • As a customer, I would like to see details of my subscription:

    • What is the status of subscription - active/inactive

    • When is the next autodebit date

    • What is my currently selected plan

    • If a marketing campaign is applied (e.g. this month free), it is also visible there.

Show current usage of the subscription plan

  • As a customer, I would like to see what is in my current subscription plan and how much I have already used.

  • If the limit is higher than 0 and the customer is close to reaching the limit or has already reached it
    we should inform the customer he should consider switching to a higher plan (if available)

  • Note:

    • We should focus on displaying on the usage of transactions - Transfers / Bill payments, ATM Withdrawal, Top-Op, Cash-in, Remittance

    • Availability of other functionalities (physical card, QR payment, personal loan, bnpl, overdraft) could be hidden

Notify about saved money thanks to the subscription plan

  • We need to regularly send customers notifications on how the subscription plan is helping them to save money.

Edit subscription

Change subscription plan

  • As a customer, I would like to change my current subscription plan.

  • If it is an upgrade to a higher plan, the change is made immediately, money is charged immediately.

  • If it is an upgrade to a lower plan, the change is applied from the next subscription cycle.

Charge subscription fee

(System) Charge Subscription fee

  • Charge the customer subscription fee on the end of the autodebit day.

  • Charged amount depends on selected subscription plan

  • Amount is charged from the main account.

  • If the customer doesn’t have enough money, he is informed about it (part another user story)

Pay Now

Notify user day before charging

  • We should notify the user a day before charging the subscription fee through push notification.

Notify user about an unsuccessful charge

  • As a customer, I expect I will get notification when the subscription fee couldn’t be charged from my main account due to insufficient balance.

(System) Block account for outstanding fees

  • When outstanding fees are not paid for X (30-45 days) account is blocked

  • The account is blocked = only incoming transactions are enabled

  • sync with loans squad technically

Waive subscription fee

  • As a customer, I can waive the subscription fee for the current cycle (cannot waive previous or future one).

  • You can waive only paid fee for the current cycle.

  • When customer waive the fee, then:

    • customer is automatically credit the money he has payed for latest subscription package

    • Request for Customer care is triggered - discuss with BackOffice, automated campaign

Evaluate operations

(System) Assess operation in regards to subscription plan

  • Whenever any related transaction/operation is made, system must evaluate:

    • If the operation type is part of the subscription plans

      • If no, then ignore

      • If yes, then evaluate if the operation is still within package limit

        • if yes, increase internal count and do not charge fee

        • if not, the customer should get option to either:

          • switch to higher plan (if possible) - for all types of transaction, sync with transactions squad

          • charge operational fee (different user story)

Notify user when approaching limit

  • As the customer, I expect I will be notified when I am reaching my limit in one of the operations included in my plan.

  • You are approaching your limit - It should be displayed when limit- minus one

    • mention operation where he is approaching the limit

    • 5 types of transactions

(System) Charge operational fee

  • When the operation is out of othe plan, charge money from the main account.

Subscription plan overview

Type of transaction

Plan 1

Plan 2

Plan 3


PHP 99

199 PHP

PHP 299

Transfers / Bills payment




ATM Withdrawals




Top-Up (mobile & gaming)












Remittance (domestic remittance)




QR payment 




Personal loan available




BNPL available




Overdraft facility available 


