Epic: SM-37 - ONB: Choose subscription plan Done
User story: SM-1084 - Subscriptions - market value display Done

US definition: “As a customer I want to get advice on the right package so that I can choose the best value for money for me"

Role: Customer

Objective: to provide information about customer’s savings versus standard market conditions

Reason: to convince the customer to choose a subscription

Functional requirements:
1. Customer will find the information about potential savings versus standard market conditions on the subscription screens.

2. There are several savings levels, correspondingly to each subscription plan.

UI requirements: needs to be displayed on the screens with subscription

Process flow: n/a

Execution steps:
1. Customer reaches the screen with the subscription plan
2. FE will fetch the savings sum from BE
3. FE will display this sum

Internal dependencies: n/a

External dependencies: n/a

Alternative scenarios:

  1. Data won’t be available (internet connection, BE outage) - the whole onboarding process would be disrupted, hence there is no need to handle this situation in this specific case.

Acceptance criteria: in Jira:

  • The information about potential savings versus standard market conditions is displayed on the subscription screens.

  • For each subscription plan there is a corresponding savings level.

Links to wireframes/UI: from https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=484%3A8087 to https://www.figma.com/file/dkDQHRa1zq7tU58MiL6hBR/SaFi---UI---MVP-(Shared)?node-id=484%3A8237