SaFi Bank Space : Terraform State Sharing Between Workspaces

In Terraform Cloud, we share state data between workspaces (if needed) in 3 possible ways.

Data Source (CURRENT implementation)

data "terraform_remote_state" "workspace" {} - This method as of this writing, this method is the most simple way and what we currently use.

data "terraform_remote_state" "dispatcher" {
  backend = "remote"
  config = {
    organization = "safi"
    token = var.tfe_workspace_token
    workspaces = {
      name = "dispatcher"

config {} block support any available parameters that can be found here

token - The token used to authenticate with the remote backend. We use “Team token” (under owners group) for this implementation

Workspace ID (OLD implementation)

in tfe_workspace resource block, passing list of workspace id in remote_state_consumer_id parameters authorize other workspace to get data from the tf-state, previously we use this method but it needs additional or several conditions which complicates further the TF code.


you can authorize other workspace via UI Settings -> General -> Share with specific workspaces