SaFi Bank Space : Testing push notifications - BE

Push notifications are delivered to FE by invoking particular REST endpoint in output-manager (with empty channel attribute or explicit “PUSH” value), which in turn invokes appropriate downstream application - push-notifications-gateway in this case, which delivers the message to dedicated customer ably channel.

(blue star) Instructions

  1. Login to ably (

    1. Login

    2. Login with SSO

    3. Enter your vacuumlabs email

    4. continue with login via Okta

  2. Open “DEV“ application

  3. Navigate to “Dev console“

  4. In another tab, open some output-manager endpoint, e.g.

  5. Hit “Try it out“

  6. Copy value of message.customerId field

  7. Go back to ably tab and in Channels section, enter into “Enter a channel name” following value (replace with your copied value after colon) and hit “Attach to channel”

    1. customer:copiedvaluefromcustomerId

  8. Go back to swagger tab and hit “Execute” at your endpoint

  9. Go back to ably tab -> there should be a new message in your attached channel

Further processing on FE side can be found on separate how-to article - Push Notification FE