SaFi Bank Space : Third Party Application Security Testing Guideline

(blue star)Β Overview

Third Party Application Security Testing Vendors can help identify security weaknesses and vulnerabilities in a third person perspective which has no or little knowledge how the application is developed and test its resiliency in a simulated threat actor role.

This document aims to establish defined security testing requirements, scope, procedures, and process in 3rd Party engagements with the vendors.

(blue star) Testing Procedures

The testing may include any, or combination of the following:

  • Vulnerability Assessments (VA)

  • Penetration Testing (PT)

  • Secure Code Review (SAST)

(blue star) Testing Requirements

The testing should:

  • be performed in a gray box technique unless otherwise required.

  • be unbiased and non-intrusive for all kind of test.

  • be performed in a test environment. No testing should be allowed in production environment unless otherwise required.

  • be performed in a controlled manner. All testing scripts, data, executables, and etc. should be cleaned after the engagement.

  • follow OWASP based standard testing framework.

  • immediately report critical severity vulnerability findings to point of contact during the engagement.

(blue star) Testing Scope

The testing should have:

  • Code Review (if engagement has SAST requirement)

  • Vulnerability scanning

  • Web Application Security Testing

  • Mobile Application Security Testing

  • Penetration Testing

Vendor may used the OWASP Testing Guide Checklist for web and mobile application security tests.

(blue star) Engagement Process

The engagement should have the defined list of requirements for the security testing. Vendor should be able to raise questions and clarifications based on the requirements and addressed prior to request of quotation. Once all questions and clarifications were addressed, vendor should provide the service quotation based on the agreed requirements. If quotation is approved, the procurement of the service will follow internal procurement process. All contracts should be completed and signed before the start of engagement.

(blue star) Vulnerability Reporting

Vulnerability reports should be treated as strictly confidential and disclosed privately. The documents including their artifacts (if available) should be encrypted. Decryption key, passphrase, or password, should be sent in separate mail.

Vulnerability report should have a comprehensive technical details including screenshots and artifacts (if needed) to support the remediation. Technical details should composed of:

  • Vulnerability description

  • Risk associated based on its impact

  • Vulnerable feature, services, and/or ports

  • Severity of the findings

  • Sufficient details how it is reproduced, and

  • Should have a recommendation to resolve the issue.

For more information, Vendor may follow the OWASP vulnerability reporting procedures.

(blue star) Vulnerability Management

Vulnerabilities found from the results of the engagement should follow the internal vulnerability management process to manage the remediation and target timeline to release the fix.