SaFi Bank Space : Transaction processor manager - component description

General description

TPM is handling most of the user-triggered transactions of various different types (transfer, top-up, cash-out, etc.). It’s main purpose is to:

  • Initialise transaction

  • Create transaction information in core banking system

  • Send transaction to 3rd party services (via payment gateway)

  • Listen to callbacks from core banking / payment gateway

  • Send information about transaction as an event to Kafka (THM)

  • Send asynchronous updates to frontend


TPM mostly listens to transaction initialisation requests from frontend, that are handled via REST API calls. The REST endpoints are exposed also via Swagger. Initialisation requests are synchronous and depending on the type of transaction they can perform the whole flow to successful transaction execution (for instance the interbank transaction flow) or they can return partial outcome of transaction (for instance interbank transaction) within the response to the REST call.

Initialisation requests are idempotent, which was implemented according to approach defined in Idempotency .

Within the processing flow, there are several actions repeated for most of the transactions:

  • Fetch transaction related information from internal services via REST (customer, account, merchant information)

  • Calculate fees for customer and vendor. These are REST calls to internal services. Customer fee is using subscription-operation-usage endpoints in product manager, which is handling also consumation of free transaction within customer’s subscription plan.

  • Check for fraudulent transactions. These are calls to Slacker REST API and based on the outcome the transaction can be continued, suspended or rejected.

  • Store transaction to internal TPM database and send information about transaction event to Kafka. TPM uses internal PostgreSQL for tracking ongoing transactions, but it also sends events to Kafka for e.g. history recording (Transaction History Manager). Currently, TPM sends only one type of Kafka event which is fire-and-forget event that transaction “occurred”.

The most important part, however, is communication with core banking and external payment systems:

  • Every transaction is recorded in core banking system - Though Machine. Depending on transaction type there are different types of Postings sent (authorization, settlement,…). We send postings via Kafka and receive updates from TM via Kafka as well. All requests sent to TM are asynchronous and idempotent (handled in TM side).

  • We are using Payment Gateways to communicate with 3rd part payment systems (e.g. Paynamics). Initialisation of transaction in payment gateway is done via synchronous REST call (currently it is not idempotent, see: SM-7445 - [BE] Idempotency for paynamics-gateway Blocked Task ) and the callbacks are received via Kafka. Messages received from Kafka are handled in an idempotent manner.

Transaction processing

The usual process is:

  • Initialise transaction in Controller

  • Map the request DTO into internal model via Mapper

  • Start transaction flow in Service

    • Send information to Thought machine via PostingService and receive response via PostingListener

    • Save information about transactions via Repository layer

    • Create transactions via 3rd party vendors in PaynamicsGateway (or any *Gateway) and listen for updates in PaynamicsGatewayUpdatesListener


TPM should be able to run in multiple instances, as long as the database is the same for each instance.

Approach to security

We are relying on authorization library used throughout all SaFi back-end services and also Kafka ACL (managed outside TPM scope).

Domain model

Request/Response model (example for InterBank transaction)

Internal domain model (example for InterBank transaction)

Entity model (example for InterBank transaction)

Current technical debt

  • fully asynchronous transaction processing: SM-2055 - Transaction initiation should be asynchronous in Transaction Processor Manager To Do , see also technical analysis: Asynchronous transaction processing

  • generic processing of transactions, decrease duplication of code

  • improve logging and error handling of edge cases