Authentication and Tyk URL Mapping

A drawback of Google Cloud Functions is that it requires a gCloud token header when an authenticated request is made. One Stop Platform, however, is unable to retrieve this token, and cannot make authenticated calls to the Cloud Function

Solution is to use an API Gateway, Tyk. OSP will call the Tyk URL, which is mapped to a Google Cloud Function. Tyk has a plugin that will retrieve the gCloud token.

OneStopPlatform --authenticated--> Tyk Gateway --authenticated gCloud Token--> GCP

In order to create a Tyk URL Mapping for each environment, we will need to send a Jira Ticket Request:

Sandbox Environment API URL Mappings
Dev Environment API URL Mappings
Staging Environment API URL Mappings
Prod Environment API URL Mappings

  • Access Jira here - LINK

  • Send a request ticket using these steps: Safibank Help Center → SRE Support → Change Request

    • “Summary”: Mapping of Cloud Functions with Tyk for AAI

  • Important Note

    • There are dev-stage-production environments for Tyk, and so does the Data GCP. As such, the API URLs will differ between dev, stage and prod environments. Dev functions should be mapped to a Dev API URL for Tyk, and so on for stage and prod