SaFi Bank Space : Updating of UX copy in Application and Back office

UX copy encompasses 3 areas:

  • Customer facing application texts that are in 4 language variants (English formal, English informal, Taglog formal, Taglog informal)

  • Back office application in English, there are 13 files based on domain

  • Templates for communication with customer - push notifications, emails, sms in 4 language variants (English formal, English informal, Taglog formal, Taglog informal)

There is 1 version of the UX copy that is connected to all environments, so making change it these files will result in changes across all environments of the application.

Process for changing the copy

  • Owner of copy downloads JSON / DOT files (this should be as branch on github, so changes can be reconciled)

  • Marketing uses Notepad++ or similar editor to adjust the wording

  • Marketing sends JSON/DOT files to owner of the copy

  • Owner of copy updates JSON/DOT files in github

Instructions to change copy

Customer application

Files location:

Owner of copy on development side: <tbd>

Structure of the file

How to change the text

  • Input the copy in between ''

  • You can find text you want to change by pressing Ctrl+F and inputting part of the text

  • You can find text you want to change by going through the list based on structure of variables names

  • If you want to put text on next row include \n

Back office application

Json files are stored here:

Owner of copy on development side:

Structure of the file

How to change the text

  • Input the copy in between ““

  • You can find text you want to change by pressing Ctrl+F and inputting part of the text

  • You can find text you want to change by going through the list based on structure of variables names

Templates to communicate with customer

File location

Owner of copy on development side:

Structure of the file

How to change the text

  • Input the copy in between ““

  • Don’t change text in brackets {} - these are variables and if you need to change that, please ask developer to help you

  • You can find text you want to change by pressing Ctrl+F and inputting part of the text

  • You can find text you want to change by going through the list based on structure of variables names

  • You can search by domain for notifications relating to certain area


  • How to change specific part of copy

    • Use search functionality to find text you want to change and edit the text

  • What to do if I want to add completely new text / template

    • Contact developer responsible for respective area of copy

  • How to test that the text can fit into screen

    • Complete several updates in copy, send it to responsible developer and within cca 1 hour you should see changes in application
