SaFi Bank Space : User story template

Effort estimate:
Review status: in preparation/ready to review/approved

Role: client, agent, system, etc.

Objective: What the role intends do to

Reason: why it is needed

Functional requirements: conditions to apply for the execution of US

UI requirements: any special demand for UI

Process flow: diagram depicting the logical flow of the user story (where applicable), possibly with
sub-flow and their requirements

Execution steps: How each step is executed (what is happening in FE, BE, 3rd party calls)

Internal dependencies: What must be ensured internally to unblock this implementation

External dependencies: 3rd party prerequisites

Alternative scenarios: what would happen if not done (optional)

Acceptance criteria: conditions under which the US is considered as accepted (for testing)

Links to wireframes/UI: to miro board/figma prototype