This document explains how the VIDA Flutter plugin works, as well as currently implemented methods with their usecases.

Method channel

All methods implemented as part of the plugin work using the MethodChannel (short guide).
Method channel used for the VIDA plugin is named vida_plugin.

Every method is the same, in the sense that they follow the same structure _channel.invokeMethod(METHOD_NAME, PARAMS) (accompanied with an optional onError callback).

Android specifics

In case of “regular” SDK methods, bridging Flutter and Android is as simple as calling the appropriate Android SDK method.

In case of Worker Thread SDK methods (@androidx.annotation.WorkerThread , link), bridging Flutter and Android requires handling in a separate thread.

iOS specifics


Plugin methods and usecases

Plugin method


Current application usecase(s)



Used to initialize the appropriate VIDA native SDK.

Application init phase

This method has to be called before any other methods. This method will accept VIDA environment, once it is updated as part of SM-6489 - [FE] Prepare for VIDA security turn on Done


(flow documentation)

Registers the device generating (in our case) two keypairs, storing private key(s) in secure local storage and sending public keys to the VIDA system. credentialId used for registration is obtained via the API.

User’s initial registration

Forgotten password flow

Current SDK version accepts String for password, but later versions accept byte array.


Unregisters the device, removing stored private key(s), biometrics settings, and removing the public keys from the VIDA system.

No usecases

Requires current password.
Can be replaced with clearCredentials.


Unregisters the device, removing stored private key(s), biometrics settings and removing the public keys from the VIDA system.

Forgotten password flow



Provides information as to whether the device is registered in the VIDA system or not.

No usecases



Returns credentialId used when registering this device in the VIDA system.

Request signing (safi-cuid header value)



Provides information as to whether the device is hardware backed or not.

No usecases



(flow documentation)

Enables biometrics on the device, requiring current password and (system) biometric confirmation.

Saving biometrics

User can fail biometrics multiple times, before there is feedback from the method (behavior noticed on SM-N960F with Android version 10).


(flow documentation)

Disables biometrics on the device, requiring current password.

Disabling biometrics



Provides information as to whether the device has enabled biometrics or not.

Settings screen (UI)



(flow documentation)

Changes the current password with the new one.

Changing password

Changing temporary password (User’s initial registration, Forgotten password flow)

This operation clears biometrics, if they have been previously enabled.


(flow documentation)

Signs the message (provided as String, we provide a hash) using the silent key, without any user interaction, resulting in Base64 encoded signature.

Request signing

message provided to the method must NOT be empty.

Method accepts messageId parameter which is not used for anything. Assumption is that it is used as part of the syncSignatures. If that is true, the parameter can be removed.


(flow documentation)

Signs the message (provided as String, we provide a hash) using the enforced presence key, either with a password or by confirming biometrics, resulting in Base64 encoded signature.

Request signing

Mocked login

message provided to the method must NOT be empty.

Method accepts messageId parameter which is not used for anything. Assumption is that it is used as part of the syncSignatures. If that is true, the parameter can be removed.
If password is passed as an argument, it is used for unlocking the key. If password is NOT passed as an argument, biometrics are used for unlocking the key.
Splitting this leads to cleaner code.


Syncs the signed messages with the VIDA system. (question)

No usecases

This method can probably be removed as we do not have any uses for it.

Some of the methods marked with No usecases have no usecases in any of the application flows, but are used as part of the VIDA demo screen.

Native SDK updates status

(blue star) iOS:

  • Updated to the 18th Nov SDK version (link) - latest drop was 18th Nov and was not done in a new folder (can be checked in folder history)

(blue star) Android:

  • Updated to the 10th Oct SDK version (link) - even though folder is named 07_10_22, it has been provided to use on 10th Oct (can be checked in the email thread). Android SDK should be updated to the latest version (link)