SaFi Bank Space : Weekend Summary - 2rd Week - 0109 to 0113- 2023

1, Alignments

  • repayment sources - a customer can use his/her locked and unlocked money to repay his/her overdraft and personal loan. We need to warn the customer when he/she wants to use his/her locked pocket money. Action Point: UX/UI team redesigns the screen and flow to put the sources into three groups: main account, unlocked pockets and locked pockets, and when a customer choose a locked pocket, there should be a window to warn him/her that there will be interest loss. CC Ruly Anggriawan (Unlicensed) User 21412 SAF-838 - FE: remove locked pocket option for early repayment Done

  • SAF-323 - Unactivated accounts can apply for Overdraft Backlog Action Point: to figure out how FE can hide OD, PL and other screens from a customer if his/her main account is inactive from the architectural perspective of view; also need to check the account status in loan-manager.

  • The personal loan application screen should show monthly interest, not annual interest. CC Ruly Anggriawan (Unlicensed) User 21412 SAF-1204 - FE: personal loan open screen should show monthly interest, not annual interest Done

  • BO will design some test scenarios from the business perspective - let’s book time slots for that.

2, Weekly Task Status(Jan. 9 - Jan. 13)

  • FE

|- Bug Fixing

SAF-320 - FE: OD in delay: repay now button's text colour Done

|- NFRs & Enhancements

SAF-837 - FE: align loan and overdraft related screens with the latest Figma (0.4) timeline Backlog - gaps identified & sub tasks created

SAF-838 - FE: remove locked pocket option for early repayment Done - Need clarification from BO and UX - Refer to Alignments

SAF-457 - Refetch loan limit from BE when user re-open the app or open loan screen Done

SAF-658 - FE: change topic that used by FE to get update from BE Done

|- Testing

SAF-671 - Improve Coverage on Overdraft Journey Done

SAF-672 - Improve Coverage on Personal Loan Journey Done

SAF-673 - Improve Coverage on Transaction Loan Journey Done

  • BE

        | Requirement alignment with Finance

SAF-1054 - investigate current debt manager design and figure out how to make it fullfill finance teams' requirement Done

|- Bug Fixing

SAF-323 - Unactivated accounts can apply for Overdraft Backlog - Need clarification from BO & risk team - Refer to Alignments

SAF-656 - Remove deprecated endpoint in slacker Done

SAF-1045 - BE: investigate why the interest rate for all personal loan requests is 1.138 Done

SAF-913 - Get risk score got an error Done

SAF-663 - change installment plan of the scenario when do early repayment with prepaid amount equals the outstanding debt Done

SAF-324 - Overdraft usage can't be allowed after grace period - when customer is in debt Done

SAF-354 - Debug page is not working because of external resource Done

SAF-1101 - Overdraft summary endpoint returns 500 for certain ODs Done

SAF-1026 - Investigate overdraft workflow problems Done

|- Testing

SAF-381 - Increment the test coverage of loan workflows Done

SAF-382 - Increment the test coverage of OD workflows Backlog

SAF-707 - Increment the test coverage of the PostingService Backlog - Cancelled because we are integrating the posting lib

SAF-401 - Personal Loan - business simulation tests (SC) Backlog

SAF-836 - Write test cases for the posting library - python & smart contract part Backlog

SAF-430 - Add unit tests for the LoanProductCsvImporter Done

SAF-426 - Add component tests for the OSPEventListener Done

SAF-427 - Improve the test coverage of the TMWorkflowInstanceCreateListener Done

SAF-431 - Add unit tests for the OverdraftProductCsvImporter Done

SAF-434 - Add component tests to the product recommendation manager Done

|- NFRs & Enhancements

SAF-357 - [NFR] Use common generated Kafka helpers - Loans squad Done

SAF-1067 - BE: replace the raw logger with common logger of slacker-manager Done

SAF-835 - Integrate the posting library - kotlin part Backlog

  • Summary

Number of tasks we finished this week: 14

Our objective: 24

Lessons: some tasks should be broken down into small ones; team members should not create new tasks on the IN-PROGRESS list, new tasks should be prioritized according to the prioritization criteria we aligned.