SaFi Bank Space : Weekly Sync-up Open Topics

We can use this page to add open topics which you would like to discuss on our weekly architecture sync-up meeting



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Who has interests

Removal of Tangled Environment
Related Ticket: SAF-1966 - Delete Tangled Environment Done

How it will impact who uses Tangled TM?


Installation and using of TM4.5.1 on brave env and deletion of Sandbox Tm5
Related Ticket: SAF-2000 - Install TM on Brave Env and point microservices to use this TM instead of Sandbox5 Cancelled

Brave apps right now are all pointed in Sandbox TM 5 but at the same time we have a dedicated GKE for TM in Brave GCP that is not being utilized. To reduce cloud costs, we need to maintain 1 tm per env only.


Implement this in brave Integration of Hashicorp Vault with Micronaut
Related Ticket: SAF-61 - Reconfig all components to use new Vault Backlog

We have a dedicated cluster for Hashicorp vault in each env that is supposed to be utilized by each env. Currently we are just using cicd vault which is used by Argocd to replace the values upon deployment. With regards to security, its only creating Kubernetes secrets. We want to know how much effort from dev is needed to implement the integration and if it makes sense to implement this at this time.
