SaFi Bank Space : gRPC with VIDA signature verification

In the Backend, We add a new annotation@AuthenticateRPC to verify the vida signature.

Before using that annotation please update the ph.safibank.common:iam-auth-lib to use an upper version from 4.20230127-084307 in your service.

After that, use import ph.safibank.common.interceptor.AuthenticateRPC and annotate the class.

In the App, to verify the signature we need to set some Headers or Metadata in our request (already handled in SM-XXXX/poc-grpc-client branch) :

  • safi-cuid : customer id

  • safi-crid : credential id

  • safi-stmp : timestamp request

  • safi-chdt : challenge data

  • safi-sign : signature

  • method : method request (*)

  • path : path request (*)

(*) : new headers
