SaFi Bank Space : Application submit/Customer KYC assessment & Credit Scoring

Epic: SM-36 - ONB: Get onboarded - KYC Done
User story: SM-1068 - Application submit/Customer KYC assessment Accepted


User story:
1. As a customer I want to submit my onboarding application so that I can get informed about result.
2. As a customer I want to get approved credit line so that I can use credit products

Role: Customer

Objective: OSP (OneStop Platform integration ) consumes data, collected during every onboarding step, and then runs a customer risk assessment process through its decision tree.
At the end of onboarding, the decision result and credit score are shared with the app and based on these, the consequent actions are offered to the customer.

Reason: For the complete onboarding of the Customer, the risk assessment from OSP is required.

Functional requirements:

  1. All collected data from onboarding are pushed to OSP. (Covered here Store all data from KYC flow )

  2. Before the final-onboarding result screen, a risk assessment decision and credit score are fetched from OSP.

  3. The final onboarding screen displays the result:

Results table:


Impact on Customer


Successfull Onboaring

Customer is successfully onboarded.

Video KYC

Customer is offered vKYC call (Immediate or Scheduled)


Customer is rejected from onboarding

SM-3332 - DESIGN: Rejection screen Done

4. All fetched data is published in Kafka, so that other systems can set the course of their consequent actions accordingly.

UI requirements: See the Result table.

Process flow: N/A

Execution steps: See Functional requirements.

Internal dependencies:
1. Duplication check as the necessary input for OSP decision tree
2. Bank products recommendation table (Accounts, Loans)

External dependencies: OSP decision tree

Alternative scenarios: N/A

Acceptance criteria:
1. OSP gets all necessary KYC data from onboarding
2. Customer is displayed the result screen based on the Results table
3. All fetched data is published in Kafka

Links to wireframes/UI: ,