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SM-3116 Epic Transaction Fee & Remaining free transactions (MVP) Medium 2.0 0.0 2.0 Done

Role: User


The user should be able to see the number of remaining free transactions according to his/her subscription plan and an option to upgrade the subscription.


To let the user avoid any transaction fee.

Functional requirements:

Every SaFi user subscribes to one of the subscription plans. Based on that, the user has a certain number of free transactions available. In that case, the user will not be charged any fee unless there are no free transactions left. To avoid paying the fee user has the “Upgrade to” option to change the subscription plan.


  • intrabank transactions (not charged)

  • when user already has the highest subscription plan

For both exceptions, there is no need to display the “Upgrade to” option.

UI requirements:

The number of free remaining transactions should be displayed together with the “Upgrade to” button. When the user has the highest subscription plan, the “Upgrade to” button should not be displayed (by the bill payments flow too).

Process flow:

  1. User selects transaction type (except for intrabank transfers and bill payments)

  2. Initiates transaction flow

  3. checks the free remaining transactions on the transaction details screen where the amount field is placed and can select the “Upgrade to” option

  4. User is redirected to the screen where he can edit the subscription plan

Execution steps (Happy path):

  1. Transaction type is selected (except for intrabank and bill payments)

  2. Transaction flow initiated

  3. Transaction amount filled in

  4. Remaining free Transactions and the “Upgrade to” button displayed

  5. “Upgrade to” button selected

Internal dependencies:

  • Transaction type selection

  • Transaction flow

  • Transaction amount

  • Subscription plan

External dependencies:


Alternative scenarios:


Acceptance criteria:

  • the number of remaining free transactions with “upgrade to” option should be displayed:

    • on the transaction details screen, where the user inputs the amount

  • if there are no remaining free transactions left, value 0 should be displayed “Available free transactions: 0”

  • an “upgrade to” option is available to the user for all subscription plans except the highest plan

  • once the user clicks the “upgrade to” button, he is redirected to the subscription screen where he can change his plan >> SM-2705 - Change subscription plan on BE Done

Links to wireframes/UI: