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SM-2631 Epic Bill Payment (Paynamics) Medium 5.0 0.0 5.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: select bill provider from the list of providers of a before specified category

Reason: so that I can settle a bill from my SaFi account

Functional requirements:

Bill providers have to be mapped to the correct categories.
In the future new billers need to be added manually into the list (from SaFi side).

UI requirements:

Process flow:

  1. Provider category listed

  2. Providers in the category listed

Bill Payments

Execution steps:

  1. After selecting a category, the user is presented with the providers of the category

  2. On the providers' list, the user can search for a provider

    1. Search suggests providers based on if the added letters are matching any part of the provider’s name

Internal dependencies:

🟢1. Choose "Pay bill" option & select the category

Categories list

External dependencies:

Gcash mapping

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • After a category of bill providers has been selected, a list of bill providers is displayed (as separate tiles, not as a drop-down list)

  • a search bar is available to the user, so he/she can type the name of the bill provider and easily find the provider within the selected category:

    • When user starts typing the name of a bill merchant, the app behavior is that all merchants which contain the letters added must appear as suggestions under the search field:
      For example: when the user starts typing a merchant name that starts with ‘co…’, the app shows all merchants that CONTAIN (not that start with) the letters ‘co’

  • User can choose a bill provider by clicking on one of the tiles

Links to wireframes/UI: