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SM-2428 Epic Money Withdrawal via Cash-Out (Paynamics)| Only in App Medium 2.0 5.0 13.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: want to see an overview of the cash-out transaction details

Reason: so that I can confirm the withdrawal of my SaFi bank account

Functional requirements:

Details of the transaction are displayed on the screen & users can submit the withdrawal request.

UI requirements:

  • Details of the transaction are displayed on the screen.

  • CTA button “Cash-out” is displayed

  • Note can be added

    • If the text is longer, it moves to the left in the box.

    • There’s no max length for the notes

Process flow: Money Withdrawal via Cash Out

Execution steps:

  1. User views the details of the transaction.

  2. Taps on the “Submit” button.

Internal dependencies: 🟢3. Input Desired Amount

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios:

  1. User views the details of the transaction.

  2. Adds a note.

  3. Taps on the “Submit” button.

Acceptance criteria:

  • user will see an overview of the withdrawal transaction as read-only, which includes

    • name of the user and account number

    • name of the OTC merchant

    • date

    • amount

    • note to self (optional)

    • CTA button “Cash-out”

Links to wireframes/UI: