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SM-4901 Epic EPFS Bank Statement Medium 5.0 0.0 5.0 Done

Role: User

Objective: want to see all transactions that have been posted during a calendar month on the monthly bank statement

Reason: so that I can open the bank statement and download it from the app.

Functional requirements:

  • Bank Statements are generated on BE on the first day of each calendar month

  • Common squad will generate PDF, we will provide the data

UI requirements:

Process flow:

  1. A Bank Statement on the list is selected

  2. Transactions of the month are sent to BE

  3. PDF is being generated

  4. PDF is loaded

Execution steps:

  1. User taps on Bank Statement on the list

  2. PDF is being generated

  3. PDF is loaded and opened

Internal dependencies:

External dependencies: -

Alternative scenarios: -

Acceptance criteria:

  • the list of bank statements is placed in the drawer menu on the main dashboard under “Statement history”

  • the list of bank statements is ordered by the date (the latest one is on the top)

    • there is also information about the password protection set by SaFi:
      birth month+birth day of the user +last 4 digits of the account number (MMDD****)

  • The pdf file itself should be view only (protected against any modification)

  • user is able to select the bank statement from the list and open it in-app

  • password is needed and a native modal window of the pdf is displayed with the text field for password

  • there is a download icon displayed on top of the screen which allows user to download the pdf file on the device

Links to wireframes/UI: