Primarily utilized for non-contactable accounts for low DPD (less than 60DPD) and accounts who are considered NPL (Non Performing Loans) 91DPD or greater.

The rationale for the utilization of such tool is to;

  1. Provide extensive coverage for non-contactable accounts.

  2. Save on internal servicing cost.

  3. Service high delinquency dormant accounts for possible recovery.

Process for endorsements;

  1. All accounts qualified for external agency (EXA) assignments shall be excluded from regular accounts list of internal collections.

Covered accounts;

Candidate accounts for external agency handling shall be sourced from the following type of accounts.

1.Accounts selected thru external agency assignment acceleration (Selected accounts less than 60dpd).

  • Accounts who are tagged uncontactable but has balances less than 10K

  • Accounts who are not qualified for field assignment

2.Accounts that are greater than 60 DPD.

3. Accounts that will form part of a champion challenger testing. (Future use)

Exceptions to assignment

All EXA accounts. qualified that has the below conditions shall be excluded from EXA assignments;

  1. Accounts who are already in the banks payment program.

  2. Account that are already assigned in other collections tools. (Field, Litigation, Pre-NPL)

Length of assignment

  1. All external agency accounts will stay with their assigned agency for 30 days.

  2. After 30 days assignment if there are no payment on the account it will be moved to back to the agency pool for re- assignment to another agency or to another collections tool.

Process Flow


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