Collection strategy is a sequence of steps  created to effectively service accounts falling into the pre-delinquency and delinquency portfolio. It uses the available tools to connect and collect debt from our customer. The leading principle is balance between risk costs (amount collected - performance-Collections cost), and quality (customer experience). Quality will not be compromised in line for the aim for higher performance.

Available tools used in the collection process:

  • Calls

    • Inbound

    • Outbound

- automated bot calling is not yet in scope as we aim to assure high quality in communication with customer (Bank Promise). Intelligent bot calls may be considered in the future

  • IVMR-Automated messaging for reminders. (Brand Value the Promise-You will always speak to human-Use only as reminder messaging system-The client would be provided the option to talk to a human in the message or cease to receive such message.)

  • App notification

    • change of the App design, in app notifications (eg. changing screens to RED)

    • push notifications

  • Text messages

  • Chat messaging

    • Viber, WhatsApp, FB Messenger

  • E-mail

    • note: email is not verified during the onboarding. The channel is though not confirmed

  • Mail

  • Skip tracing

    • searching for alternative customer contacts

  • Field visit

  • Litigation (On high ticket items and on selected accounts as part remediation action planning-TDB)

  • Use of external agencies - 3rd party collections

  • Debt sale

To manage quality, following processes and systems shall be in place:

  • Collections Code of Conduct (Base line of all collections efforts guided by Company COC and regulatory policies)

  • NPS score survey

  • Regular training to increase collections competencies and Periodic engagement activity to increase brand and team appreciation.

  • Quality assurance

    • calls listening by human

    • calls analysis by AI (tone, script, communication mining)

To manage performance the following shall be in place

  • Operational KPI (Efficiency while working-AHT, Contact, Utilization,Visits, Attendance)

  • CE KPI (Collections efficient per group/segment)

  • Team KPI (Manager/Leader performance)

  • Collectors KPI (Operator performance)

    • Promises taken

    • Promises Kept

    • Resolution Rate

  • Recovery targets (Late collection)

    • Recovery rates

    • Resolution rates

    • Payee percentage

To balance performance, costs and quality; segmentation of the portfolio plays key role in setting up effective collections process. Following segmentation is taken as starting point and will be updated regularly based on composition of population and products. Collections Strategy is different for each segment

Customer may move between the strategies based on events (partial repayment, promise to pay). The flow is changed in case the payment is done and would cease once the account is current or has been settled.

Repayment is recognized real-time via integration with Core system.
