Low amount strategy is used in situation, when “loss given default” is not high and costs of the collections strategy must be managed carefully. Not to spend more than collectable amount. Main product for this strategy is Overdraft in case of standalone setup.




-3, 0


SMS is the primary contact.



Used if no receipt notification is received on the SMS message sending.

*If Clint has both SMS and Viber SMS will be use.



Client is called on DPD 0




SMS or Viber messaging on DPD 5 and 3 days after until the account is in past due



Attempt to get in touch with the customer 1st set.

14,15,15-Calendar day


If account is still delinquent a call shall be initiated for the customer.

28,29,30-Calendar date


If the customer is still delinquent after 2nd attempt. call shall be initiated.



On DPD 31 call shall be initiated and every 2 days after till the account is paid.



DPD 33 and every 2 days after till the account is paid/Current

30, 60


Email sent on ;

DPD 30-Inform the client that the account has been 30days past due

DPD-60-Inform the client that 60days has passed and the account is not paid.


Light handling for pre collections starting at -5DPD with 1 call at 0DPD as reminder of due

  • SMS or Viber reminder.
    -SMS is the primary platform to to be used.

  • If client has viber account it is logged as an alternative.

  • if no receipt notification is received from SMS. Viber shall be activated.

  • Calls on the Pre-Collations stage is optional.

*Generally only 2 messages are sent to the customer. Viber only is activated if the system see that there is no receipt from SMS. If there is a notice of receipt from SMS only SMS shall be used.

Collections DPD segments (1-30)

*Highlighted is a reference to calendar dates

Calling logic:

  • Call attempts will be placed at a minimum. Attempts to call shall commence on the 5,6,7 DPD.

  • If still delinquent another set of calling attempt by 14,15,16. (Reference date is the calendar date)

  • If the account still delinquent calls will be made on the 28, 29,30. (Reference is the calendar date)
    Calls will be subject to contact rules;

  • Calling maybe made optional for this segment for cost considerations.

    • Contact rules.
      1.PTP-Cease call till promise is kept or broken (5Days plus 1)
      -If kept-Out of the call list
      -If broken lined up for the next set days for calling
      2.Non-PTP-Cease calls after 3 days. After such calls attempts resumes.
      3.Calls answered by a 3pty -Calls resumes the next day if applicable.
      -if not called or no answer after the set calling days. Account will move to the 2nd set of calling attempts.


  • Primary tool for customer communication on this segment.
    SMS and Viber Conditions: (Commennce on DPD 5 and Every 3 days after) (Special sms or viber sending on the 15,30 calendar days)
    IF the SMS notification of receipt has been received -No viber messages shall be sent out.
    IF no SMS message receipt notification has been received a Viber notification shall be activated for send out.
    IF both notification of receipt has been received. SMS shall be used.
    3. If an account has a payment;
    -If to current. Messaging stops.
    -If to move 1 bucket SMS/Viber Logic is applied based on the logic set for the next applicable bucket.
    -If to current no more communication shall be sent.


An email message shall be sent for the customer or their logged email address fi;

-The account breached 30DPD.

-Content of the email is to inform the customer that the account has breached 30DPD and they need to top up (With amount) to make the account current.

Collections DPD segments (31-60)

Calling logic:

Call attempt will be placed at a minimum. Attempts to contact shall commence on the 31 and every 2 days as long as the account is delinquent if still till it reaches 60
Calls will be subject to contact and business rules;

Contact rules.
1.PTP-Cease call till promise is kept or broken 5Days plus 1
2.Non-PTP-Cease calls after 3 days. After such calls resumes.
3.Calls answered by a 3pty -Calls resumes the next applicable calling day.

SMS and Viber Conditions: (Commennce on DPD 5 and Every 3 days after) (Special sms or viber message sending on the 15,30 calendar days)
IF the SMS notification of receipt has been received and No viber messages shall be sent out.
IF no SMS message receipt notification has been received a Viber notification shall be sent out.
IF both notification of receipt has been received. SMS shall be used.
. If an account has a payment;
-If to current. Messaging stops.
-If to move 1 bucket SMS/Viber Logic is applied based on the logic set for the next bucket.
-If Curent no more messages to be sent out.


An email message shall be sent for the customer or their logged email address fi;

-The account reached 30 and 60DPD.

-Content of the email is to inform the client that the account is breaching the said levels of delinquency and to avoid penalties,fees and a negative credit reporting the customer should top up their account to pay for their loan.