This strategy is utilized for customers based on credit risk score or behavioral score

Expected that a certain population of the originated loan shall have at one time be uncontactable due to several circumstance (e.i Loss phone, changed primary number,Bank numbers where block unintentionally). Collections shall make an effort to get in touch with the borrower thru alternative means ; reference person calling to gather information to re establish client contact, chat thru social media using official bank log-ins, field visits if necessary.

These actions are done to make sure that the customers are;

  • Reconnected to the bank and contacts are re-established and updated

  • Educated to avoid unnecessary penalties.

  • Avoid a negative credit standing report.

The tool is primarily used for uncontactable clients with low balances less than 10k.

*Anytime during 1-60DPD tenure of a loan if it has been uncontactable for 10 days straight. Skip process shall be initiated.

Accounts with 60+DPD and failed to be contacted in skip and is not field qualified will be sent to External agency for handling.

Materials for the tool are as follows;

  1. Direct 3rd pty calling (Reference #)

  2. Alternative searches using;

    1. Social Media and Networking sites. (Need to add to TNC “Use alternative avenue to establish contact. 10-27-Legal)

    2. External/Internal Databases;

      1. Comelec/PhilHealth

      2. External Agency data

  3. Field Visits



Duration of assignment


10 days straight no client contact

-DPD is within 10-60 DPD

-No special flag for collections logged. (Potential fraud, Death)

Skip Calling

10 days

Reference party Calling

10 days Straight no client contact

Skip tracing using alternative means


In parallel with 3rd pty calling

-If balance is greater than 10K and there is no field team assigned.

Skip Calling 2nd run


Maximized attempt in-house prior to sending the account to a 3rd pty agency.

-if balances are greater than 10K

Field Assignment review

If field assignment 4 weeks field

-Only use field when necessary.

-Once assigned to field it is mandatory that the field officer updates the following information;

  1. Phone number primary/Secondary

  2. Mailing address

-if Skip attempts are unsuccessful and balances on the account is less than 10K

-if there are no payment on the account in the last 30 days.

External Agency Assignment candidate


*If while doing skip calling and there are payments on the account in the last 30 days. The account shall stay with internal and assignment to the external agencies shall be delayed.


Skip tracing pool