

SM-1057 - BO: Documents view / manage In Review


SM-3920 - Archive document Done



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to mark that the uploaded document as not correct and should be archived = invalidated.

Reason: In order to make sure that customer documents are relevant and no obsolete or mistakes are present, users should be able to mark documents as Invalid.

When viewing the document in Document details view user can click on Invalidate document which will be subject to the maker-checker process, along with the proper ticket id. If approved, document will not be deleted from storage, but marked as Invalid. Document will be still part of the list and user can open and view the document, but will be clearly marked as Invalid.

Acceptance criteria: Clicking on Invalidate document will trigger the maker-checker process and after approval, the document will be marked as Invalid in the system. This actions will be properly captured in the audit log.