

SM-1057 - BO: Documents view / manage In Review


SM-1096 - Document details view Done



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to preview particular document content.

Reason: In order to check the document content, I need to open document and see the details.

Document view

Upon clicking on document in the document list, see Documents list view, the document viewer will open and display the contents of the document. Document will not be downloadable (to reasonable extent, we can’t avoid this possibility entirely).

Document viewer will be able to open and render these extensions:

  • pdf

  • jpg/jpeg

  • png

  • doc/docx

Extensions that are not supported would not be permitted in Document upload and view as well.


Document view will have these additional actions

Acceptance criteria: Each file type should be opened and rendered properly in the document viewer, with available actions to verify, or invalidate the document.