

SM-1057 - BO: Documents view / manage In Review


SM-1098 - Uploading documents Done



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to upload document that customer shared via other channel, like email.

Reason: In order to check data, I need to open document and see the details.


In client documents page, upon clicking on the upload button, BOFE user can select the document to be uploaded and can input the document name. Only certain document extensions will be supported (see Document details view) and in case unsupported document extension, the user will be notified.

Along with the document, these additional information will be captured as well:

  • BOFE user uploading the document

  • Upload timestamp

  • Document readable name

  • Document extension

New documents are not Verified or Rejected yet. Uploading document is not subject to maker-checker process, as they will be subsequently validated by BODE users.

Acceptance criteria: clicking on upload button will trigger upload modal, where user can pick document with permitted extension, edit filename and save to BOFE.