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SM-3969 Epic Transaction Fee & Remaining free transactions (MVP) Medium 3.0 0.0 3.0 Blocked Task

Role: User


want to see the fee amount 0 for Bill & mobile airload transactions


so that I can pay for Bills and load Digital goods without being charged on top of the amount

Functional requirements:

Fees are always part of the amount, user will not be charged with additional fees on top of the bill amount or mobile load. Fees will always be set to 0. In the future, if SaFi decides to implement a fee for a specific biller or telco it will be possible to do it.

UI requirements:

  • the fee should be displayed as 0:

    • on the review transaction screen, so the user can check it before submitting the transaction

    • in the transaction history detail of each transaction

Process flow:

Transaction fee should not be charged during bill payment & mobile airload transactions.

Execution steps (Happy path):

  1. User is making “Bill Payment” or “Mobile Airload” transactions

  2. User is on the “Review transaction” screen or on the “Transaction details” screen of a transaction

  3. The transaction fee is displayed as 0

Internal dependencies:

Transaction Processor Manager

Transaction History screen

External dependencies:


Alternative scenarios:


Acceptance criteria:

  • the 0 fee should be displayed:

    • on the review transaction screen before submitting the transaction

    • in the transaction history detail of each transaction

  • the fee amount depends on biller or telco, for now is set to 0

Links to wireframes/UI: