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SM-4680 Epic Slacker Integration in Transactions (MVP) Medium 0.0 13.0 13.0 Resolved

Role: User

Objective: wants the created transaction to be evaluated manually in the back-office system,

Reason: so that the user knows whether the transaction was approved or not.

Functional requirements:

  • Domain Manager provides API for backoffice system to enable to manually review transactions.

  • Ticketing Manager enables Domain Manager to create a ticket for manual approval of the transaction.

  • In situations where the transaction needs to be manually reviewed, the transaction will be persisted in the domain MS until approved or rejected. Domain MS will expose API for backoffice FE to enable this.

Note: Card transactions that need immediate approval (MasterCard time limit is 7 seconds) cannot go through the manual approval.

UI requirements:

The user will create the transaction and will see the pending status of a transaction. The user gets the answer in form of the status update (failed/in process/successful).

Process flow:

High risk scenario with manual approval

  1. User creates a transaction

  2. The call to the slacker-manager API is happening for fraud check

  3. Slacker will evaluate the transaction risk as high

  4. manual approval is required

  5. Domain Manager provides API for back office system to enable to manually review the transaction

  6. Ticketing Manager enables Domain Manager to create a ticket for manual approval of the transaction

  7. Backoffice will evaluate the transaction

  8. Result of the evaluation is displayed to the user

Execution steps:

  1. User creates a transaction

  2. the transaction is in “pending” state while it is checked by the fraud system and back office afterwards

  3. User will receive a push notification of the evaluation

  4. The transaction is approved and its status screen is displayed with “in process/pending or successful” message

Internal dependencies:



Jira Ticket Manager > SM-3629 - Add createTransactionFraudTicket endpoint Done

External dependencies:

Alternative scenarios:

  1. User creates a transaction

  2. the transaction is in pending state while it is checked by the fraud system and backoffice afterwards

  3. User will receive a push notification of the evaluation

  4. The transaction is rejected and its status screen is updated with “failed” message

Acceptance criteria:

  • User creates a transaction

  • the slacker-manager API is called for fraud check

  • Slacker evaluates the transaction with high risk of fraud probability

  • manual approval is required

  • Domain Manager provides API for backoffice system to enable to manually review the transaction

  • Ticketing Manager enables Domain Manager to create a ticket for manual approval of the transaction

  • Backoffice will evaluate the transaction

  • Result of the evaluation is displayed to the user

  • The user will get a push notification with the result of the fraud check > SM-5066 - Push Notification for manual approval (Slacker) Resolved

Links to wireframes/UI: n/a