SaFi Bank Space : BOFE: manage Atome product widget


Business requirements

  • Feature implemented in BOFE

  • BO operators can upload a new picture with a specific size (TBD width X height) and specific format (TBD) only. This picture will be displayed in the Dashboard’s Atome widget

  • Unlimited number of pictures can be uploaded

  • Date of upload should be visilbe on BOFE for each picture

  • Pictures could be downloaded from BOFE

  • If there are more than 2 pictures uploaded, the pictures on the frontend should be horizontally scrollable

  • BO operators can remove pictures from the frontend

  • The pictures should redirect to the Atome’s Navigation Page URL (TBD w/ Atome) during Phase 1 integration w/ Atome

    • At Phase 2 Atome integration, each picture could have a specific URL (usually the merchants' webshop) assigned