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SM-5696 Epic Transfer money between intrabank accounts (MVP) Medium 8.0 8.0 16.0 In Progress

Role: User


wants to see the initial status after confirmation of the transaction


so that he can see if the processing of the transaction really started or the transaction is already processed.

Functional requirements:

If getting an answer from Paynamics takes more than 5 seconds, the status of the transaction should be Pending/In process. If the response from Paynamics is immediate (within 5s) the status should be automatically “Successful”.

UI requirements:

While waiting for the response (0-5s) a loading screen should be displayed to the user.

Process flow:

Execution steps:

  • User confirms the transaction

  • loading screen is displayed

  • if the response is less than 5s - status screen with successful message is displayed

  • if the response is more than 5s - status screen with processing message is displayed

Internal dependencies:


External dependencies:


Alternative scenarios: n/a

Acceptance criteria:

  • After the user confirms the transaction, and the response from Paynamics takes more than 5 seconds, its status should be:

    • “In process” for all the flows except OTC, the status screen says “We’re processing your payment”

    • “Pending” for OTC flows (cash-in, cash-out), the status screen says “Pending transaction”

    After the user confirms the transaction, and the response from Paynamics is within 5 seconds, its status should be:

    • “Successful” for all the flows and transactions

Links to wireframes/UI: