SaFi Bank Space : Transactions: Product handover

Handover checklist

  • Domain overview explained
  • Important contacts covered
  • Not completed MVP scope clarified
  • Public launch features explained
  • Documentation sources and their structure clear - Confluence, Jira, Designs

Outstanding Tasks to complete after Handover

  • Archive older confluence structure -
  • Move the requirements for schedules into Lark - link
  • Move the PL scope list into Lark - link
  • Remove the link to the Statements domain from the handover, as its part of Tech handover
  • Update the statuses of epics

Domain Overview

The transactions squad focus is on the implementation of money transfers from and to SaFi bank and related functionalities, such as transaction history, scheduling, or bank statement generation. Our main priority is to enable customers to pay with ease across a wide range of merchants, banks and e-wallets. We are responsible for the following transaction types/flows:

  • Intrabank transactions between own bank accounts (main account, pockets) and SaFi users

  • Interbank transactions

  • Top-ups (debit card, bank account, E-wallet, OTC cash-in)

  • Withdrawals (E-wallet, OTC cash-out)

  • Bill payments

  • Digital goods (Airtime load)

External Integrations

  • Paynamics - payments provider for most of the transaction types

  • Pesonet and Instapay - funds transfer service used for inbound transactions (interbank, E-wallet)

  • ECPay - payment service providing Bill payments and Digital goods

  • Digipay - payment platfrom used for OTC cash-in transactions

  • Atome - BNPL service provider

Important Contacts





Business Owner

Jideo Pena


Product Manager

Maria Capaldo D’Amato


Business Analyst

Kristina Magyarova


Design Lead

Al Christian Domingo


Tech Lead

Slavomir Kocka


FE Developer

Alexander Kostiev


BE Developer

Pavol Rajzak


BE Developer

Stanislav Papco


BE Developer

Rafael Liban


BE Developer

Marek Rostar


BE Developer

Michal Glaus


Epics (EPFS + MVP)

Intrabank epics

SM-137 - Transfer Money between own SaFI accounts Done

SM-356 - Transfer Money between SaFI Accounts (EPFS) Done

SM-1417 - Transfer Money with QR/Barcode Done

SM-5057 - Transfer money between intrabank accounts (MVP) In Progress

Top-up epics

SM-1555 - Top-up via Debit Card (Paynamics) | Only In App Done

SM-1723 - Top-up via Bank Transfer (Paynamics) | In App Done

SM-1556 - Top-up via Cash-In (Paynamics) | Only In App Done

SM-1719 - Top-up via Cash-In (Digipay) Done

SM-1436 - Top-up via E-Wallet (Paynamics) | In App Done

Withdrawal epics

SM-1439 - Money Withdrawal via Interbank Transfer (Paynamics) | In App (EPFS) Done

SM-1557 - Money Withdrawal via Cash-Out (Paynamics)| Only in App In Progress

SM-1558 - Money Withdrawal to E-Wallet (Paynamics)| In App Done

SM-6423 - Money Withdrawal to E-Wallet Paynamics (MVP) Done

Scheduled transactions epics

SM-624 - Automated Scheduling one-time & recurring (MVP) In Progress

Bill payments and Digital Goods epics

SM-1724 - Bill Payment (Paynamics) Done

SM-1762 - Bill Payment (ECPay) Done

SM-1732 - Digital Goods: Mobile Top-up Airtime Load (Paynamics) In Review

Transaction detail and history epics

SM-359 - Display List of Historical Transactions (Basic) Done

SM-4905 - Display List of Historical Transactions (MVP) In Progress

SM-1559 - Transaction Browsing in App In Progress

SM-3091 - Transaction Categorization Done

SM-6803 - Transaction Identification with simplified UUID (MVP) To Do

Bank statement epics

SM-256 - EPFS Bank Statement Done

SM-4597 - Bank Statement (MVP) In Progress

Transaction fee epics

SM-3090 - Transaction Fee & Remaining free transactions (EPFS) Done

SM-5059 - Transaction Fee & Remaining free transactions (MVP) In Progress

Error messages epics

SM-3029 - Attempted Failed Transaction - Error Messages (EPFS) Done

SM-5060 - Attempted Failed Transaction - Error Messages (MVP) In Progress

Frontend-specific epics

SM-3428 - Transfer Wireframes/Grey Screen to MVP Designs Done

SM-6503 - Design updates for Transactions MVP Flows In Progress

Backend-specific epics

SM-3945 - MVP: Technical tasks, Refactoring & Debts In Progress

SM-5814 - Pesonet Integrations (MVP) In Progress

SM-2612 - Expose Transactions data to Data Team team Done

SM-4418 - SaFi QA System Test | ALL BUGS To Do

SM-4572 - QA System Test | Transactions In Progress

SM-7123 - "Technical" epic for writing ad hoc component tests, eg. reaching sufficient coverage etc. Done

Cross-domain cooperation epics

SM-1738 - EPFS Slacker Integration in Transactions Done

SM-4720 - Slacker Integration in Transactions (MVP) In Progress

SM-3092 - Push Notifications In Progress

SM-4239 - Transactions Microservices Security - authorisation and authentication Done

SM-5133 - Tx Security - authorisation and authentication (MVP) Done

SAF-999 - Internal accounts and transaction structure Backlog

SM-3743 - Audit logging for all domains In Progress

Public Launch epics

List of features previously discussed that were considered for public launch (spreadsheet):

  • Instapay direct integration

SM-5821 - Instapay Integrations (PL) To Do

SM-5862 - Instapay Inbound Interbank & E-wallet Transactions | Outside App (PL) To Do

  • Inbound transactions (Pesonet)

SM-1722 - Pesonet Inbound Interbank & E-wallet Transactions | Outside App (PL) To Do

  • Atome direct debit

SAF-996 - Atome - Direct Debit BNPL Payment Backlog

  • Transaction dispute (this would be UI functionality to choose from tx history and send to the back office)

SM-1764 - PUBLIC LAUNCH: Transaction Dispute To Do

  • In-app messaging (e.g. in-app chat notifications about new bank statement being generated)

  • In-app notifications (FE integration with Ably)

  • Advanced filtering (free text search bar)

SM-6533 - PUBLIC LAUNCH: Advance Filtering To Do

  • Customisable spending categories (+ category automation based on merchants type)

  • Mobile top-up via ECpay

SM-1763 - PL: Digital Goods: Mobile Phone Airtime Load (ECPay) To Do

  • Digital Goods Top-up gaming account (user is able to buy E-Pins for gaming)

SM-1733 - PUBLIC LAUNCH: Digital Goods: E-Pins (Paynamics) To Do

  • Cash-in Remittances (Cash-out actioned by someone that is not the SaFi account holder)

  • Top-up via Credit card

  • Linking of Debit Cards and setting preferred Debit Card default for transfers (Assuming storing card details in the backend & following specific rules for that. PCI DSS certification is required to store cards)

  • Reimplementation of Card Top-up after PCI DSS certification

  • Scheduling: Phase II Requirements

    • Scheduling pocket transactions

    • Editing existing schedules,

    • Semi automatic schedules,

    • Multiple dates for annually recurring schedules

    • Preview of all upcoming single tx scheduled

    • Round-up difference send to pocket

SM-3810 - PUBLIC LAUNCH: Automated Scheduling one-time & recurring | Advanced Featured To Do

SM-996 - PUBLIC LAUNCH: Scheduling | SEMI- AUTOMATED recurring (PL) To Do

  • Manual retry of transactions / Payment template (Both, standing orders and signle instances of the schedule)

SM-6808 - Manual Repeat of Transactions (Scheduled & non, Executed) To Do

SM-620 - PUBLIC LAUNCH: Create Payment Template from Transaction To Do

  • Quick send to frequent contacts (Assuming, contacts include also contacts managed within the system without integration to phone contacts etc.)

SM-2799 - PUBLIC LAUNCH: Quick Send Feature To Do

  • Features availability/hiding based on credit score (not just spending limits; including ability to go into overdraft for all flows)

  • On-boarding guidance pop-up screens for new users

  • QRPh Integration

  • QR Code Payments (for purchases, not money transfers between users; assuming mostly UI work which just generates transactions in the backend)

  • Bank account certificate

SM-7251 - PL: User manually generates a bank certificate To Do

  • Standardize 8-digit transaction ID

SM-6393 - PUBLIC LAUNCH: Transaction Identification with Business Unique Number (complex solution) To Do

  • Transaction history export (pdf, csv, xls)

  • Language switching

  • Buy load - save the phone number for Telco

  • Slacker and incoming transactions

    • Approved > THM > displayed in the history

    • Rejected > not displayed in history, but send to BO and displayed there

    • Manual > BO, Jira ticket created, and then in the final stage like above

  • Bank statement features

SM-4594 - PL Bank Statement Features To Do

  • SM-4138 - PL: Technical tasks, Refactoring & Debts To Do

  • SM-1868 - PL: Back Office <> Transactions Dependencies To Do