SaFi Bank Space : Product handover

Template to document domain specific knowledge: Product handover template

Domain specific knowledge (add links to handover pages)

Overview of common product processes / knowledge

Split of product into domains and their scope


Brief explanation

North star / main priority for domain

Customer & Onboarding

Owning customer journey from downloading the application to successfully completing onboarding. Collection of all required documents and information from customer.

Quick and secure Onboarding

Get Onboarded within 5 min

60% of people starting with Onboarding to successfully finish it


Owning all transactions relating to sending money intrabank, interbank and all other means how to get money into the bank or from the bank.

Enable customer to pay with ease across wide range of merchants, banks, e-wallets

Accounts & Subscriptions

Owning saving accounts (locked + unlocked), dashboard, monthly subscriptions management customer journeys

Enable customer to earn one of top 3 interest rates on the market and to meet their financial goals


Owning engagement related scope - completion of missions - actions that help activate users or teach them how to use new features and

Motivate customer to interact with bank application on regular bases so that he/she can earn rewards


Owning loan related products - Overdraft, personal loan and Atome BNPL - integration to Risk engine, implement Slacker

Provide hassle-free, easy-to-access loans for customers, ranging from short-term low amount (Fundtawid) to more complex loans (Personal loan)

Back office

Owning all back office related employee journeys - resolution of customer tickets, reconciliations…

Provide easy to use tool that will help back office employees to support bank clients


Defining overall internall accounts structure, logic of postings, management reporting data availability, statutory reporting data availability

Ensure accounting meets regulatory requirements and we track right data to provide value for bank


Owning all virtual + physical debit card related customer journeys - requesting card, using card, freezing card

Provide personalized debit card experience with intuitive customer interface

Identity and Access Management

  • Managing customer’s and bank user available authentication methods

  • Providing authentication flows based on the available methods

  • Providing step-up flows for different authorization requirements based on the available methods.

Enable secure and reliable access to the app for customer and bank user


Common squad role is to be enabler for customer notifications as well as items that are related to common items across the bank which are used as tools by the rest of the microservices, and should also provide support technical layer for common libraries and approaches across the systems.

Enable communications channels as well as covering all common encompassing tasks

Adding new features - cooperation with design

  • Product manager is responsible for making sure backlog of well described features + approved designs is deep enough so it doesn’t slow down technical delivery

  • Product manager should on ongoing basis look at new ideas, jointly with design explore these ideas and make sure they are described as user stories

Once designs are approved there follow Design implementation process below

Features prioritization

4 key factors should be considered when prioritizing new features in backlog:

  • Added value to customer - how often will the feature be used, what % of customers will use this functionality

  • Added value to business - can this feature bring new revenue, help with customer retention, improve loyalty

  • Technical complexity - are there different options how to implement a feature - together with tech lead discuss pros and cons of different options

  • Regulatory requirement - if there is regulatory requirement, it is clear must have

Expectations from product manager towards engineering team

  • Explaining business logic of features, adding additional details if business logic is not clear enough for implementation

  • Checking that features behave as described in acceptance criteria and providing feedback with Engineering team

  • Making sure application is ready for demo and working jointly with engineering team to resolve any issues

  • Prioritization of bugs

  • Bringing logical customer facing structure to the backlog

Main responsibilities of product manager

Product delivery


Use-case clarifications

Lead workshops where you Clarify and explore new features. What will be the flow for customer and main steps.

Ensure technical viability of the user story

When exploring new feature discuss with Tech lead technical complexity and options how the feature can be implemented.

User stories writing

Document user stories in Confluence, link them to Jira tickets.

User stories approval (incl.related designs)

Responsible for getting approvals for user stories documentation in Confluence and required designs ahead of scheduling it for technical delivery, so developers are not blocked.

Squad-level backlog prioritization

Together with Tech Lead prioritize delivery for next sprint

Accepting implemented user-stories (incl.UI/UX)

Test implemented user stories and check that they are implemented as described in user stories and designed.

Leading demo sessions with client

Prepare walkthrough of new functionalities and present delivery for past sprint.

Defining requests for design

Request work needed from design - new features or changes

Identifying product related risks and issues

Identify risks that could impact product delivery in future

Support development process

Support developers with explaining business logic of features.

Regular meetings and their purpose

Meetings product manager is facilitating / responsible for:

  • Demo - showcasing how new features delivered in last sprint look like

  • Workshops exploring / clarifying new features - regular workshops where new ideas are explored in bigger detail

  • Ad hoc meetings with other squads to resolve interdependencies

Meetings product manager is attending and contributing to (details here Scrum masters handover ):

  • Daily stand ups

  • Backlog refinement

  • Sprint planning

  • Sprint retrospective

Raising of bugs

When you identify new bug:
