SaFi Bank Space : Customer & Onboarding Product handover

Domain overview

Explain main product features - key epics from which the product is composed of- e.g. getting loan, repaying loan, applying fees… + sentence or two about what is the goal of the feature - what does it bring to client

  • SM-39 - ONB: Get secure access to the application Done

    • Download app

    • Login

    • Logout

    • Save onboarding progress

    • Device fingerprint

    • Phone number verification

    • Tone of voice

    • Privacy policy, T&C

    • Age & Country verification

  • SM-38 - ONB: Provide necessary data for onboarding Done

    • ID Scanning and verification

    • ID data input

    • Liveness check

    • Additional customer data

    • PEP and US residency check

    • Address catalogue service

    • Address info

  • SM-37 - ONB: Choose subscription plan Done

    • Subscription plan setup

    • Market value

  • SM-36 - ONB: Get onboarded - KYC Done

    • Welcome screen

    • vKYC integration

    • Storing data

  • SM-4184 - ONB: Get onboarded - Risk assessment & Credit scoring Done

    • OSP integration

    • Storing data

  • SM-31 - ONB: Verify customer's unique identity Done

    • Duplication check

  • SM-22 - CUS: Access and change their profile Done

    • Change of phone number, email, address, survey info, language, tone of voice

  • SM-1001 - CUS: Simple consent management Done

    • Consent management

  • SM-35 - ONB: Get support during onboarding Done

    • Support via phone call

  • SM-1004 - OFFB: Freeze / Unfreeze account by customer Done

    • Freeze account by Customer

    • Unfreeze account by Customer

  • SM-1002 - OFFB: Account freezing by BO agent Done

    • BO Account freezing - conditions check

    • BO Account freezing / unfreezing

  • SM-7506 - Regulatory Requirements In Progress

    • Cooling off period for changes in Customer profile

    • Notification to all devices when changes in Customer profile

  • SM-6507 - ONB_CUS: Design updates In Progress

    • Highlighting promises

  • SM-5101 - ONB_CUS: Business Improvements In Progress

    • Intro slide show

    • Swap of Success and Subscription screens

    • ID expiry date check

Scope that was not yet completed - Epics

List Epics that are still in progress, focus on what is needed on product side to complete them

SM-1003 - OFFB: Offboarding by BO Agent In Progress

  • Customer offboarding by BO Agent

Public launch features overview

List of features previously discussed that were considered for public launch

  • SM-32 - ONB: Track provisions for sales agents To Do

    • Referral code

    • QR code

    • New customer via sales agent

  • SAF-997 - Atome - Onboarding Backlog

Not approved CR

List of features previously discussed that weren’t ordered for implementation

  • SM-5959 - ONB_CUS: In-app chat Cancelled

  • SM-6761 - Anti-Fraud Thresholds and Concerns Cancelled

  • SM-7496 - NPS Cancelled

Include links to domain documentation

Important contacts

Business owner: User a4ec8

OSP Workflows manager: User bfe09 (Noie De Guzman on SaFi slack, on Lark)


  • #squad-onboarding - the main channel

  • #squad-onboarding-dev - the channel for tech discussion (e.g. asking for the PR review)

  • #squad-onboarding-jira - the channel for sharing new tasks created in the JIRA


  • Product: Onboarding & login - the main product channel

  • SaFi x Advance AI - the main channel for communication with AdvanceAI (see: Advance AI | Contact)

  • Testing - main channel for VAPT testing

3rd parties contacts:

  • AdvanceAI - Advance AI | Contact / SPOC: Ronel Maglalang (Ronel)

  • GoogleAPI - no contact (the SRE team for getting the credentials)

Handover checklist

  • Domain overview explained
  • Not completed MVP scope clarified
  • Public launch features explained
  • Documentation sources and their structure clear - Confluence, Jira, Designs
  • Important contacts covered

Outstanding tasks to complete after handover

  • To bring SM-3008 - User Story BS (SM-2666) Accepted into status “Accepted” together with User a4ec8
  • To bring SM-3011 - User Story BS (SM-1227) Accepted into status “Accepted” together with User a4ec8