SaFi Bank Space : Product handover template

Domain overview

Explain main product features - key epics from which the product is composed of- e.g. getting loan, repaying loan, applying fees… + sentence or two about what is the goal of the feature - what does it bring to client

Scope that was not yet completed - Epics

List Epics that are still in progress, focus on what is needed on product side to complete them

Public launch features overview

List of features previously discussed that were considered for public launch

Include links to domain documentation

  • Confluence

  • Jira

  • Designs

  • Any other links

Important contacts

Any third party important contacts that you were in touch with

  • 3rd party name, Name of person, position, Email address, phone number, reason or when to contact


Name of person, position

Email address, phone number

When to contact / which area the person covers

Any other important information

  • Any domain specific information you would like to point out

Handover checklist

  • Domain overview explained
  • Not completed MVP scope clarified
  • Public launch features explained
  • Documentation sources and their structure clear - Confluence, Jira, Designs
  • Important contacts covered

Outstanding tasks to complete after handover

  • XYZ
  • XYZ