SaFi Bank Space : Engagement: Product handover

Domain Overview

The domain of engagement covers the following areas:

  • Challenges
    These are missions that customers complete within the predefined timeframe in order to get benefits such as increased interest rates on saving accounts, free transfers, etc.

  • Referrals
    Customers can share referral codes with their friends in order to receive a cash benefit.

Scope that was not yet completed - Epics

SM-1584 - Rewards & challenges notifications To Do

Public launch features overview

  1. SM-4103 - Unify referral and challenges To Do

  2. SM-3686 - Transfer reward to the other Safi customer To Do

  3. SM-3729 - Different timer for missions To Do

  4. SM-4052 - Close insta story with swipe up/down To Do

  5. SM-4106 - Add referred friend to the friendlist To Do

  6. SM-4553 - Showing total referral bonus earned on monthly basis To Do

Include links to domain documentation

  • Confluence - Breakdown of all epics and user stories with their description

  • Jira - Breakdown of all epics, user stories and technical tasks with ther completion status

  • Designs - Final user interface for engagement

Key stakeholders

  • Emmanuel Lee Esguerra (Lee), Business Owner

  • Muhd Zahari (Jon Jon), Business Owner

  • Joyce Anne Pineda, Business Owner

  • Revaz Dzidziguri, VL Product owner

  • Viliam Dillinger, VL Tech Lead


  • (SLACK) squad-accounts-finance - squad channel

  • (LARK) Product: Loyalty & referral program & Budget tool

Handover checklist

  • Domain overview explained
  • Not completed MVP scope clarified
  • Public launch features explained
  • Documentation sources and their structure clear - Confluence, Jira, Designs
  • Important contacts covered

Outstanding tasks to complete after handover

  • Check with Viliam whether developers are synced with
  • Add user stories under the Engagement documentation on Confluence User b89ca
  • Get an access to the dev env and check the functionality User 4337d User 3f66c