SaFi Bank Space : Finance: Product handover

Domain Overview

The domain of finance covers the following areas:

  • TM Internal accounts & postings -
    The squad is responsible to:
    1. Define the TM Vault Core monetary entries which correctly reflect the business event and also adhere to the financial and accounting principles
    2. Define the necessary internal accounts in TM
    3. Design the system in a way that makes accounting less prone to errors
    EPIC: SAF-999 - Internal accounts and transaction structure Backlog ,

  • Regulatory/Management/Tax Reporting
    The squad is responsible to:
    1. Ensure that the data required for the reporting is captured within the banking systems
    2. Data required is exposed to the data streaming platform and then it’s migrated to the Datalake
    3. Guide data engineers on where to look for the data they need for a specific report
    EPIC: SM-3434 - Regulatory reporting for EPFS Resolved , SM-4666 - Regulatory reporting Resolved , SM-3435 - Tax reporting Done

  • Integration to the accounting system
    The squad is responsible to:
    1. Provide NetSuite with all the necessary postings for the financial accounting purposes
    2. Ensure that the CBS and NetSuite entities are mapped and data correctly transforms in between.
    EPIC: SAF-1305 - Integration of accounting system Backlog

Scope that was not yet completed - Epics

SAF-999 - Internal accounts and transaction structure Backlog - Development is in progress. Transaction codes should be generated for each posting and it should be imported in the postings library

SM-4666 - Regulatory reporting Resolved - Bigquery should be setted up and the actual report should be generated in Datalake with the test data.

Key stakeholders

  • Ivy Li, Business Owner

  • Ginggoy Lotho, Business Owner

  • Revaz Dzidziguri, VL Product owner

  • Viliam Dillinger, VL Tech Lead

Communication channels


  • squad-accounts-finance - squad channel

  • squad-accounts-finance-code-review - channel for requests for review of urgent PRs.

  • tm-support - channel mostly for devops issues. Usually, the response time is high so it is suggested to use Lark channel mentioned below instead


  • Product: Finance - General channel

  • SaFi VL Finance discussion group - Daily working chat for PO/TL/BOs

  • NetSuite integration internal alignment group

  • ITG & VL Integration - chat with netsuite vendors

Handover checklist

  • Domain overview explained
  • Not completed MVP scope clarified
  • Public launch features explained
  • Documentation sources and their structure clear - Confluence, Jira, Designs
  • Important contacts covered

Outstanding tasks to complete after handover

  • I have to add the list of the user stories in the confluence User b89ca
  • Arrange a meeting with Giggnoy to revise the postings list once more @Revazi Dzidziguri