How to setup environment ?

How to visit backoffice-manager RESTful APIs ?

Backoffice-manager is protected by IAM which means any request must take a valid token along with it.

  1. Open BOFE in browser, then collect authorization token from any request's header: 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'.

  2. Put the authorization token in header when sending a request to access backoffice-manager:
    curl -XGET -H 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}' -H 'accept: application/json' http://{BACKOFFICE-MANAGER-HOST}/ticket-proxy/tickets/BOSD-280

If you are using a local backoffice-manager instance, make sure to add following Environment variables:

  1. OKTA_CLIENT_ID=xxxxxx


Note that it is for brave env, you can find the values in Vault for other environments.

How to file a ticket for SRE engineers ?

How to reach and raise a ticket to Devops/SRE Team

How to generate money for your account ?

  1. Make sure you have VPN turned on Connecting to Cloudflare VPN

  2. Log in BOFE using your Okta credentials

  3. Search yourself by email, and find the Main account page

  4. Copy the account ID from on the right panel

  5. Use the account ID in "generate money" endpoint to give yourself money