

SM-1055 - BO: Transaction overview Done


SM-1087 - Transaction (history) view Done



Role: BOFE user (see access matrix)

Objective: As a BOFE user, I want to see transaction history upon clicking on particular account, so I can assist customer, or investigate.

Functional requirements

  • past 10 transactions will be displayed automatically with expansion option to see more transactions for the account and pagination, to see older transactions

  • transactions should be arranged / displayed chronologically from newest to oldest

  • each transaction will have information (if available):

    • date of transaction (“from”, “to” dates)

    • reference ID

    • status of transaction

    • type of transaction (e.g. “Pocket transaction“)

    • beneficiary

    • amount of transaction (debit / credit indicator)

    • Balance

  • filter to search for transactions should be displayed so user can search transactions by:

  • Actions on main account:

Links to wireframes/UI:

Acceptance criteria: All transactions for particular account are visible, search filter can be applied and particular transaction(s) are displayed based on search criteria.